I finally got around to reading the billets on Shirleigh’s board. Since there are doodles of a chocobo, a moogle, and Torgal at the top of each, I thought I more or less had an idea of what they were about, but it turns out they’re full of nods to other instalments in the Final Fantasy franchise—a fun little easter egg for anyone who stops to look.

A a | B b | C c | D d | E e | F f | G g |
H h | I i | J j | K k | L l | M m | N n |
O o | P p | Q q | R r | S s | T t | U u |
V v | W w | X x | Y y | Z z |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
C c
- Chocobos carry carbunkles.
- Cid casts Cure.
- Coeurls can crawl.
- Coblyns chew crystals.
- Cactuars come from Corel.
M m
- Moogles make merry.
- Mandrakes mind manners.
- Manticores maul magitek.
- Matoya mines mythril.
- Materia is made in Midgard.
T t
- Tett tickled Torgal.
- Tellah toured Troia.
- Typhon has a thousand teeth.
- Tidus took my Trident.
- Tiamat toppled treants.
All source materials belong to the parties to which they are licensed. All translations are our own.