Tale of the Nine Tailed – Drama Talk: ‘I Never Abandoned You’

yeon rang past ep04

Ask: What can you say about Yeon’s “I never abandoned you” to Rang? Because I’ve seen it’s still a debate in the TotNT fandom. Some say he did abandon him and some said he didn’t since he saved him many times (I’m the former, but I think it had something to do with the writing). Just curious about your thoughts. ^•^

Tale of the Nine Tailed – Drama Talk: Mint Chocolate Chip, the World’s Most Inane Culture War?

totnt mint choco header gif

Ask: In TotNT Episode 4, when Rang and Yeon meet and Rang tastes Yeon’s ice cream, how does he describe the taste in Korean? Because there were a lot of different translations: chocolate and parsley, chocolate and red beans, chocolate and toothpaste, and the funniest one was chocolate and pain relief patch. Thank you :)

Tale of the Nine Tailed – Drama Talk: Director’s Cut Blu-ray Production Process Explained

Ask: Hi! So nice to hear that the Blu-ray survey has reached its quota! Do you happen to know how likely the deleted scenes are to be negotiated by the team? Is it something that is usually released within a Blu-ray? Sorry, this might be a dumb question, but I know nothing about Korean TV production..

Tale of the Nine Tailed – Drama Talk: Ji Ah’s Fate & the Korean Mythology Surrounding It

TotNT Fate Ask

Ask: One of the most fascinating things for me is the prophecy the fortune teller told Ji Ah when she gave him the fox bead. I feel like that’s important foreshadowing for the drama’s ending. How would you translate and interpret that?