Gumiho (구미호)

A look into the gumiho lore of TotNT and how it plays into the larger canon.

Tale of the Nine Tailed – Drama Talk: ‘I Never Abandoned You’

yeon rang past ep04

Ask: What can you say about Yeon’s “I never abandoned you” to Rang? Because I’ve seen it’s still a debate in the TotNT fandom. Some say he did abandon him and some said he didn’t since he saved him many times (I’m the former, but I think it had something to do with the writing). Just curious about your thoughts. ^•^

TotNT – Iconic Lines

“I have glimpsed the secrets of the world.”

나는 세상의 비밀을 엿본 적이 있다.

A roundup of TotNT’s most iconic lines. Contains spoilers.

TotNT Quotes – Lee Rang

Lee Rang Profile

“I’m going to hell, without fail. Together with Lee Yeon.”

난 지옥 갈 거야, 꼭. 이연이랑 같이.

(contains spoilers)