Snowdrop – DS : EP01 Scene 88-89

In the EP01 script, the scene in which Young-ro and Seol-hee worry over Jeong-min, who’s out protesting, has a bit more dialogue and segues into a scene in which Young-ro pens another letter to her brother, only to fold it into a paper airplane and launch it at Mt Ogong as the chase scene unfolds.

n.b. The script for <Snowdrop> was written by writer Yoo Hyun-mi and is the intellectual property of JTBC Studios and DRAMAHOUSE Studios. Intellectual rights to the translation belong to yours truly .

Scene 88Dormitory 1F Lobby
Young-ro and Seol-hee each get a paper cup of coffee from the visiting room vending machine and walk towards the front door; over a shot of their concerned faces, the sound of 64 consecutive rounds of pepper gas exploding can be heard as
Seol-hee(startling) Eek!!! Why’s it they’re firing so many rounds today?
Young-roThey’re saying there’s some Aemin Party presidential campaign event over at the Songchon Rotary!* (to herself as she cranes her neck to see out the front door) She has to come back safely!

*n.b. The roundabout in front of Evergreen Records.
Seol-heeJeong-min eonni? I know, right! (with a sigh) *Sigh*~ I ought to just go watch A Tree That Blooms Love! You coming?

n.b. A Tree That Blooms Love (사랑이 꽃피는 나무) is a k-drama that aired from 1987-1991 on KBS.
Just then, three or four college girls who are clearly student protestors come pelting through the front door; over a shot of Young-ro and Seol-hee coughing at the tear gas that billows in with them
Young-ro (E)Even if he did get dragged off to the military for protesting
Scene 89Room 207
Young-ro sits at her desk, scribbling out all her inner feelings on a piece of paper.
Young-ro(internally) How could they not even give him my letters? Not knowing that, I just resented my brother! (breathing a heavy sigh) Don’t worry about me. I’ve now forgotten all about the man I met this past spring. The reason I’ve not gone on dates is because they’re boring, not because of him. Oppa! I miss you. I wish I could see you just once! (with a bleak expression / aloud) Why are there so many people I want to see? It’s annoying! (she says, only to pick up the letter paper and begin folding it into an airplane)
CUT TO/ At the foot of Mt Ogong, about 10 paper airplanes have accumulated. Young-ro launches the paper airplane in the direction of the forest at the foot of Mt Ogong — visible outside the window — with all her strength as the sound of college girls screaming layers in ...

All source materials belong to the parties to which they are licensed. All translations are our own.

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