Snowdrop Quotes – Im Soo-ho

“No one is able to choose what country they’re born to.”


너 또 미팅 같은 거 하자는 거면, 말도 꺼내지 마.

“If you’re going to say we should go on a group blind date or something again, don’t even start.”

...하나만 올려놓으면 완성이었는데.

“Ah...Just one more and it would’ve been complete.”

우리 아까 봤잖아요. 부담 갖지 말고 가져요.

“We met earlier, didn’t we? Just take it.*”

[*Literally: ‘Don’t feel burdened; take it.’]

배우 해도 되겠던데요? 노래 실력은 별로지만.

“You could be an actress. Though your singing ability’s not great.”

자, 잠깐만요! 잠깐만요. 저녁...같이... (격찬을 발견하고 말을 삼킨다) 고마웠어요.

“W-wait just a moment! Wait just a moment. Dinner...together...(spots Gyeok-chan and course-corrects) “Thank you.”


나가야 돼요. (…) 내가 여기 있으면 다들 위험해요.

“I have to leave. (…) If I’m here, you’re all in danger.”

그럼. 오늘 밤만 신세 좀 질게요. (…) 이 신세를 어떻게 갚죠?

“Then, I’ll only impose on you for tonight. (…) How can I ever repay you for this?”

오빠가 있다고 했죠? 데모하다 잡힌. (…) 오빠 때문에 속 많이 썩죠? 거의 누나.. 아니지, 엄마 행세 했을 거 같은데. (…) 나도 여동생이 한 명이 있는데 그 녀석이 꼭 엄마처럼 굴거든요. ‘밥 먹고 다녀라, 몸조심해라, 다치지 마라’ 잔소리가 아주..

“You said you have an older brother, right? One who got caught protesting. (…) You worry sick over your brother, don’t you? It seems like you must have acted almost like an older sister- no, like a mum. (…) I have a kid sister, too, and she behaves just like a mum. ‘Be sure to eat,’ ‘Take care of yourself,’ ‘Don’t get hurt.’ Her nagging is really...

군대에 있다는 오빠분, 지금쯤 그 잔소리가 정말 그리울 거예요.

“Your brother who’s in the military, he’ll be missing that nagging an awful lot right about now.”

나도 가장 소중한 사람이 내 동생인데.

“My little sister is the most important person to me, too.”

내 동생 수희가 준 거예요. 이 비둘기가 날 지켜 줄 거라면서.

“My little sister Soo-hee gave it to me. Saying this dove would protect me.”

[n.b. This could honestly be either ‘dove’ or ‘pigeon’ since, in Korean, they’re the same word: ‘bidoolgi’ (비둘기). When I mentioned this to a Korean friend of mine, it blew his mind–it had never occurred to him before haha]

...여태 통성명도 안 했구나. 난 임수호예요. 임.수.호.

“Ah...I still haven’t introduced myself.* I’m Im Soo-ho. Im. Soo. Ho.”

[*n.b. Soo-ho is using jondaetmal (polite speech) with Young-ro, but this one line is in banmal (casual speech) because he’s coming to the realisation on his own, not directing the statement at her.]

난 하루빨리 고향으로 돌아가서 우리 수희가 낳은 조카 녀석 한 번 안아 보는 게 소원이다.

“Returning to my hometown as soon as possible and giving the nephew our Soo-hee gave birth to a hug, that’s my wish.”

[n.b. The ‘our ~’ is a function of the way in-group/out-group conventions are expressed linguistically in Korean. Since she’s family and dear to him, Soo-ho often tacks ‘our’ (우리) on in front of Soo-hee’s name when speaking of her. It can be used in reference to anyone you consider to belong to you/a group you belong to, or to express affection, the way you might call someone ‘my ~’ in English.]


밑에 보지 마요. 나 봐요, 나. 나 보고 있어요.

“Don’t look down. Look at me, at me. Keep your eyes on me.”


“ got me.”

안 그래도 오늘 밤 나가려고요. (…) 나가야 돼요. 그래야 영로 씨도 안전해요.

“I had meant to leave tonight, anyway. (…) I have to leave. That way you’ll be safe, as well.”

[n.b. ‘You’ here is actually ‘Young-ro-ssi.’ He’s using her name in place of ‘you’ as a way of politely addressing her in second person — i.e. ‘That way Young-ro-ssi will be safe, as well.’]

...갈게요. 잘 있어요.

...I’ll go. Be well.”


영로 씨가 이 목걸이를 하고 있어야, 걱정하지 않고 떠날 수 있을 거 같아서요. (…) 받아요. 내가 줄 게 그것밖에 없어서 그래요.

“It’s because I feel like I can only leave without worrying if you’re wearing this necklace. (…) Accept it. It’s the only thing I have to give you.”

이번 작전 실패는 조장인 내 책임이다. 당에는 그렇게 보고할 테니 동무는 입 다물어.

“The mission failure was my fault as CO. I’ll report as much to the Party, so you keep quiet.”

[n.b. ‘you’ = ‘comrade’ (동무)]

우리가 지금 하는 일은 죽은 박금철 동지의 목숨값이다. 반드시 임무를 완수해야 한다. 알겠나?

“The work we’re doing right now is the price of the deceased Comrade Park Geum-cheol’s life. We have to complete the mission at all costs. Understood?”

셋 셀 동안 안 버리면 이 학생 죽어. 하나......셋.

“If you don’t throw [the guns] away on the count of three, this student dies. One...two...three.”


경고하는데 나대지 마. 그러다 죽을 수도 있어.

“I’m warning you, don’t act out. You could get killed that way.”

[n.b. From the time he re-enters the dorm, Soo-ho drops into using banmal with Young-ro (and just about everyone else, with a few notable exceptions). But, unlike Young-ro who reverts to polite speech eventually, Soo-ho never goes back to using jondaetmal with her, at first because he’s putting on an act, and later because he’s done acting.]

당신은 승산 있는 싸움만 해 왔나 보지?

“Seems you’ve only engaged in fights you’re likely to win?”

물론 놈들의 책략일 수도 있어. 하지만 당의 지령이 맞다면? 당의 명령에 불복하면 동무와 나만 죽는 게 아니야. 고향에 있는 가족들이 철직을 당할 텐데. 이대로 조국에서 보낸 지령을 무시하고 말자고? 남조선 안기부장이 우리 접선 좌표도 알고 있었고 이번 공작의 총책임자도 알고 있었어. (…) 조국이 우리 목숨을 살리려고 안기부장과 딜을 한 거겠지. 당은 결코 우릴 버릴 리 없으니까.

“Of course, it could just be the bastards’ ploy. But if these really are the Party’s orders? If we disobey the Party’s directive, you and I won’t be the only ones to die. Our families back home are bound to suffer. I’m saying, let’s not dismiss orders the homeland has sent us out of hand. The South Korean ANSP director knew our rendezvous coordinates and who’s in charge of running this op. (…) The homeland must have made some sort of deal with the ANSP to save our lives. Since the Party would never forsake us.”

[n.b. ‘you’ = ‘comrade’ (동무)]


왜 피 같은 총알을 난사해? 너같이 감정적인 새끼가 작전을 망쳐. 냉정하고 또 냉정해도 모자랄 판에 이렇게 나오면 난 너 필요 없어.

“Why would you waste precious* bullets? Emotional bastards like you compromise ops. We can’t possibly be cool-headed enough in this situation; if you act like this, I don’t need you.”

[*Literally: ‘like blood’]

붕대 감고 가.

“Bandage it before you go.”

내일 아침 일찍 응철이 상처를 치료할 의사를 요청할 거야. 대신에 저들이 인질 석방을 요구할 텐데. 난...널 내보낼 생각이야. 이걸로 지난 며칠 너에게 진 신세는 갚는 거지. 너와 나 사이의 계산은 끝나는 거라고.

“First thing tomorrow morning, I’ll demand a doctor to treat Eung-cheol-ie’s wound. In exchange, they’re bound to demand the release of hostages. I...intend to send you out. I’ll repay the debt* I owe you for the past few days with this. The ledger between us will be closed.”

[*Somewhat tellingly, Soo-ho uses the word shinse here, even though he attempts to frame it as something purely transactional in the following sentence (lit. ‘the calculation/tally between you and I will be ended’).]

조원들이 죽고 사는 건 내가 결정해. 조장인 내가.

“Whether the team members live or die is something I decide. Me, your CO.”

한 번만 더 내 명령에 불복하면, 그땐... (총구로 방탄조끼를 누른다) 여기가 아니라... (총을 이마에 댄다) 여기야. 조원 목숨은 조장 손에 달렸단 사실 명심해.

“Disobey my orders one more time, and then... (puts the gun to his vest) it won’t be here... (puts the gun to his forehead) but here. Bear in mind, the team members’ lives are in their CO’s hands.”

마지막 한 장은 당신 것인데…더 이상 필요 없겠네. 앞으로도 넌 석방될 기회는 없을 거야. 우리에게 반항하거나 비협조적인 사람은 끝까지 석방의 기회가 없을 거란 말을 허투루 듣지 말았어야지. 제비뽑기? 석방될 인질은 내가 정해.

“The last one was yours...but I guess you won’t be needing it anymore. You won’t get another shot at being released. You shouldn’t have ignored me when I said that those who defy us or fail to cooperate won’t ever get a chance to be released. ‘Drawing lots’? I decide which hostages get released.”


니가 뭔데? 내 눈에 넌...그냥...총알받이에 불과해.

“And who are you [to demand that]? In my eyes, you’ more than a bullet shield.”

우리 공작선의 접선 좌표도 우리 공작 목표도 잘 아는 걸 보면, 우리 지도부와 긴밀히 통한다는 건데 도대체 무슨 딜을 한 거야? 솔직하게 대답하는 게 좋을 거야. 당신 딸이 내 손안에 있다는 건 당신도 잘 알지?

“Seeing as you know the rendezvous coordinates of our op-boat and our mission objective, it means you’re in close communication with our command, but what the hell kind of deal did you make? You had better answer honestly. You know your daughter is in my hands, right?”

은영로는 은창수 안기부장 딸이야. 우리 생명 줄이지.

“Eun Young-ro is ANSP Director Eun Chang-soo’s daughter. She’s our lifeline.”

임수호: 열흘 후엔 정말 살아 돌아갈 수 있는 겁니까? 남조선과 협조하란 당의 지령을 받고 나갔다가 죽을 뻔했습니다. 그러니 제 입장에선..
강청야: 입장? 언제부터 당의 지령에 토를 달았지?

Soo-ho: Will we truly be able to return alive ten days from now? We received orders to cooperate with South Korea and left, only to nearly get killed. So, from where I’m standing–
Cheong-ya: Where you’re standing? Since when have you offered your two cents on the Party’s orders?

[Literally: ‘from my position’ / ‘position?’; n.b. Soo-ho uses exclusively formal speech and the humble first person pronoun ‘jeo/je’ (저/제) with Cheong-ya, both out of respect for her as a senior colleague and as a way of drawing a line between them.]


사사로운 감정 따위 추호도 없습니다.

“I don’t have anything remotely resembling personal feelings [for her].”

[n.b. Soo-ho uses the adnominal ‘ddaui’ (~따위), which is used to disparage whatever precedes it (in this case, ‘personal feelings’), and further strengthens the assertion by adding the qualifier ‘chuho-do’ (추호도), meaning ‘not at all.’ Well, we know what Queen Gertrude had to say about protesting too much...]

미안합니다. 이거이 나한텐 목숨보다 귀한 거라.

“I’m sorry. As this is something more precious to me than my life.”

[n.b. He’s speaking in Northern dialect here.]

대오에서 떨어진 단 한 명의 동지라도 마지막까지 찾아내는 인민을 자식처럼 보살피는 어머니 당이 우릴 버릴 리 없으니까.

“Because there’s no way the Mother Party that seeks out even a single comrade that’s fallen from the ranks until the very last, that takes care of the people like they were its children, would forsake us.”

쫓기다가 우연히 봤을 뿐이야. (…) 난 그저 낡은 사당에 몸을 피했을 뿐이야. 그게 기숙사로 통하는 비상구로 연결되어 있는 줄 알았다면...죽어도 안 들어왔어. ...오빠 일은...정말 미안해. ...우린, 아흐레 후면 떠날 거야. 아흐레 후면 이 상황이 다 끝나. 이 기숙사 안에 있는 누구도 해치고 싶지 않아. 아무도 다치게 하고 싶지 않다고. 나는 당장...널 내보내고 싶지만...그럴 수 없어서...

“I just happened to see it as I was being chased. (…) I just took shelter in an old shrine. If I had known it was connected to the emergency exit leading into the dorm...I’d sooner have died than gone in.* ...About your brother...I’m truly sorry. ...We’ll leave in nine days. In nine days, this entire situation ends. I don’t want to harm anyone in this dorm. I don’t want to get anyone hurt. I let you go right now, but...since I can’t...

[n.b. ‘it’ = Young-ro’s paper airplane. *In Korean, the phrase ‘jugeo-do ~’ (죽어도 ~) meaning, ‘even if I died [I wouldn’t] ~,’ is used fairly frequently to express a strong aversion to doing something, but here, Soo-ho means it literally ㅠ ㅠ]


니가 날 못 믿는 거 이해해. 하지만 그건 살상용이 아니라 방어용이야. 수백명의 군인들이 진을 치고 있는데, 조원들의 목숨을 책임져야 할 조장이 어떻게 가만있을 수 있겠어?

“I understand you not being able to trust me. But that’s not for lethal use, it’s for defensive use. There are several hundred soldiers camped outside; how could a CO who’s responsible for the lives of his men just do nothing?”

임수호: 말했잖아. 이 기숙사 안에 있는 누구도 해치고 싶지 않다고.
은영로: 그 말 믿으라고?
임수호: 그래. 그렇게 너한테 몹쓸 짓을 했는데, 아흐레 후면 나간다는 거짓말을 왜 또 하겠어? 지금까지 널 괴롭힌 것만도 감당하기 힘든데. 아흐레 후면 우린 정말 여기서 나갈 거야. 그러니까 제발...그거 이리 줘.

Soo-ho: I told you. I don’t want to hurt anyone in this dorm.
Young-ro: You want me to believe that?
Soo-ho: Yes. I’ve wronged you so terribly; why would I lie about leaving in nine days on top of that? When it’s already hard to bear the way I’ve tormented you till now. In nine days, we’re really going to leave. So, please...give that here.”

제발. 제발 나 좀 믿어줘.  더이상 널 괴롭히고 싶지 않아. ...널 지켜볼 수 밖에 없는 거...그것 땜에 돌아버리겠다고.

“Please. Please, just trust me. I don’t want to torment you any more. ...The fact that all I can do is watch over you...I’m gonna go mad because of it.”

당신 명령 따위 따르겠다고 한 적 없어.

“I never said I’d follow your damn orders.”

어이, 안기부 팀장. 정권의 횡포에 맞서는 사람들을 간첩으로 몰아서 죽인 안기부. 공안 정국 만들려고 죄 없는 동포들의 인생을 짓밟아 온 정권의 개. 그게 안기부잖아. 거기서 월급 받아 처먹던 놈이 지금 누굴 비난해?

“Oi, ANSP team leader. The ANSP that’s framed people who stand up to the tyranny of the regime as spies and killed them. The hounds of the regime that have trampled on the lives of innocent compatriots to create a security state. That’s the ANSP, isn’t it? Who is the bastard who glutted himself on the pay there condemning now?”

은영로. 대답해. 거기 있는 거 맞지?  내가 먼저 찾아야 널 살릴 수 있어. 영로야. 대답해, 제발.

“Eun Young-ro. Answer me. You’re there, right? I have to find you first to be able to save you. Young-ro-ya. Answer me, please.”


내가...내가 아무도 해칠 생각 없다고 분명히 말했잖아? 이제 여기 남은 인질들은 더 이상 석방은 없어. 죽든 살든 우리와 끝까지 간다.

“I...I clearly said I didn’t intend to harm anyone, didn’t I? Now, there’ll be no more releasing the remaining hostages. Live or die, you’re with us ’til the end.

진정해, 이거 공작이잖아. 당신 딸도 인질들도 전원 다 무사해.

“Calm down. This is an op. Your daughter and all the hostages are unharmed.”

강청야 동지. 여긴 분명 남조선이고 우리가 장악한 점령지이지만 북남 협상이란 룰이 지배하는 제삼 지대입니다. 여기선 안기부장이 적의 수괴가 아니라, 남조선 인민들의 눈을 속여 우릴 안전하게 공화국으로 돌려보낼 조력자입니다. 물론 그를 백 프로 신뢰할 순 없습니다. 그래서 은영로를 석방할 순 없으니 딸을 보게라도 해 주는 게 필요한 전술이지 않겠습니까? (…) 대선까지 여드레 남았습니다. 지금은 은창수를 진정시켜 시간을 버는 게 우선입니다.

“Comrade Kang Cheong-ya. This is clearly South Korea, and an occupied territory that we’ve seized, but this is a third zone governed by the rule of cooperation between North and South. Here, the director of the ANSP isn’t the ringleader of our enemies, but a facilitator that will deceive the eyes of the South Korean people and safely return us to the Republic. Of course, we can’t trust him 100%. That’s why, since we can’t release Eun Young-ro, isn’t at least letting him see his daughter a necessary tactic? (…) There are eight days left until the election. Right now, reassuring Eun Chang-soo and buying time are a priority.”

괜찮아, 괜찮아.

“It’s all right. You’re all right.”

내 명령에 따르랬잖아!

“I told you to follow my orders!”

당에 대한 충성심만으로 무조건 합리적 의심을 찍어 누르려고 하지 마십시오.

“Do not attempt to use loyalty to the Party alone to unconditionally quash reasonable doubt.”

목숨 걸고 한이섭 교수를 납치해야 하는 이 공작이 남조선 정권 재창출에 이바지하는 공작일 줄은 꿈에도 몰랐습니다. 청산가리를 깨물고 죽은 박금철 동무도, 우도 교전에서 전사한 전투원들도 자신들의 목숨이 남조선 정권 유지에 쓰인 줄은 꿈에도 모를 겁니다.

“I never dreamt that this operation where we have to risk our lives to kidnap Professor Han Yi-seop was an op contributing to the re-establishment of the South Korean regime. Neither Comrade Park Geum-cheol, who died by swallowing cyanide, nor the combatants who were KIA in the skirmish off Udo would dream that their lives were used to maintain the power of the South Korean regime.”

그 돈으로..! 공화국 영웅이 되면 죽은 동무들의 가족들이 호의호식하겠죠. 죽은 자식 목숨값으로 행복해할 부모가 있겠습니까?전 반드시 살아 돌아가야 합니다. 응철이도 살아 돌아가서 어머니 모시고 행복해야 합니다. 그래서 더욱 알아야겠습니다. 북남이 과연 어떤 협상을 했는지. 그 대단한 거금 속에 우리 목숨값이 들어가 있는 건 아닌지...기필코 알아내야겠습니다.

“With that money..! If our fallen comrades become Heroes of the Republic, they’ll probably see to it their families live comfortably. But what parent would be happy with the blood price of their dead child? I have to return alive. Eun-cheol-ie has to return home alive, too, and care for his mother and be happy. Which is all the more reason why I have to know. What deal the North and South ultimately made, and whether or not the price of our lives is factored into that massive sum...I have to find out at all costs.”

그걸 뻔히 아는 놈이 탈출을 도모해? (…) 그래서 뭐가 달라졌는데?! 니가 나서는 바람에 인질들만 더 위험해졌잖아.

“The guy who knows that full well attempted escape? (…) So what changed?! Thanks to you acting out, the hostages just got put in more danger.”

저는 조원들의 생명을 책임진 조장입니다. 당의 명령을 의심한단 질책을 받더라도 확인해야 할 건 해야겠습니다.

“I’m the CO responsible for my men’s lives. Even if I’m reproved for mistrusting the Party’s orders, I have to confirm what I have to confirm.”

아버지가 아직 통전부장인데 끝내 날...버렸다?

Father is still the UFD director, but in the end he...abandoned me?

제발 평양까지만 태워 주시라요. 제 동생이 아픔다. 제발 살려 주시라요. (…) 우리 아바지가 무너진 갱도에서 인민들을 구하다 죽었슴다. 인민을 구하다 죽은 아버지 대신에 어머니 당이 내 동생은 살려야 하는 거이 아닙니까? (…) 제발 평양까지만 태워 주시라요. 통행증이 없어서 기차에서도 쫓겨났슴다. 태워만 주시믄 어카든 보답하갔슴다. (…) 뭐든, 뭐든 다 하갔습니다! 죽으라고 하면 죽갔슴다!

“Please just take us as far as Pyongyang. My little sister is ill. Please save her. (…) My father died saving people from a collapsed mine shaft. Shouldn’t the Mother Party save my sister in place of my father who died saving its people? (…) Please just take us as far as Pyongyang. We were even kicked off the train because we don’t have a rail pass. If you just give us a ride, I’ll do anything to repay you. (…) Anything, I’ll do anything! If you tell me to die, I’ll die!”

[n.b. Little Soo-ho speaks in a very pronounced Northern accent. I haven’t attempted to reproduce it in English, because any English accent I might map it onto carries associations that would be out of place here. Another translator might choose to handle it differently.]


(강무에게) 당신 말이 맞았어. 난 여기서 반드시 살아 나가야 돼. 우리 조원들도 죽게 놔둘 수 없어. (…) (피 사감에게) 학생들도 다 살리려고 이러는 겁니다. (영로에게) 다른 공작원 제압할 때까지 숨어 있어. 절대 위로 올라오지 마.

(to Gang-mu) “You were right. I have to get out of here alive at all costs. I can’t leave my men to die, either.” (…) (to Ms Pi) “I’m doing this in order to save all of the students, too.” (to Young-ro) “Stay hidden until I’ve neutralised the other operatives. Do not come upstairs no matter what.”

우릴 싹 다 죽이기로 합의했다는 말 들었지? 우리 공작원들은 다 죽이기로 북남이 합의한 거야. 그래 놓고 열흘 후 생환 보장한다는 지령을 내린 거지.

“You heard what he said right? They’ve agreed to kill us all off. The North and South have agreed to kill all of our operatives. And yet, they handed down orders saying they’d guarantee our safe return in ten days’ time.”

임무? 누굴 위한 임무인데? 무엇을 위한 임무인데?! 주 동무, 남조선 괴뢰 도당을 무찔러 혁명을 완수하자고 해 놓고 남한 정권 재창출을 위해 우릴 버렸어. (…) 혁명 때문이 아니라 돈 때문이겠지. 돈 때문에 조국에 충성해 온 공작원들의 목숨을 남조선에 판 거야. 난 그걸 용서할 수 없는 거라고.

“Mission? Who is the mission for? What is the mission for?! Comrade Joo, they said we should complete the Revolution by defeating the South Korean puppet cabal, and then abandoned us to re-establish the South Korean regime. (…) It isn’t for the Revolution; I bet it’s for the money. For the sake of money, they sold operatives who have been loyal to the homeland to South Korea. That’s something I can’t forgive.”

[n.b. ‘the Revolution’ = the North Korean People’s Democratic Revolution (인민민주주의 혁명)]

사람을 죽여 봤어? (…) 처음 죽인 상대의 눈이 평생을 따라다니지. 생명이 꺼져 가던 그 눈이 밥 먹을 때도 잠을 잘 때도 꿈속에서조차 따라붙어 악몽 속에서 끝도 없이 쫓기는 고통이 평생 널 짓누를 텐데. 난 우리 모두를 살리려고 이러는 거야. 강 동지도 주 동무도 끝내 설득해서 공작원들도 인질들도 다 살리려고 이러는 거라고.

“Have you ever killed someone? (…) The eyes of the first person you kill follow you your entire life. Those eyes as the life drained out of them dog you when you eat, and when you sleep; they even hound you in your dreams. The torment of being endlessly chased in your nightmares is bound to weigh on you your whole life.”

전 한이섭 교수를 월북시키란 지령을 받고 내려왔을 뿐이지, 여러분들을 죽이러 온 것도 아니고 인질극을 벌이려고 내려온 것도 아닙니다. 뜻하지 않게 쫓겨 도망치다 보니 인질극이 벌어졌지만.

“I merely received orders to bring Professor Han Yi-seop to the North and came south; I didn’t come here to kill you all, nor did I come here to take hostages. Though, contrary to my intentions, in the process of evading pursuit, a hostage situation unfolded.”

[n.b. With the usual exception of Ms Pi, Soo-ho has been speaking to all of the hostages in banmal this whole time, but here he switches to using jondaetmal and the humble pronoun ‘jeo/je’ (저/제), almost like he’s giving a sit-rep. I didn’t capitalise ‘south’ because what he literally says is that he ‘came down (to Seoul),’ in contrast to ‘wolbuk’ (越北) which literally means to ‘cross over to North (Korea).’]

우리에게 남은 시간은 여드레입니다. 대선 전까지 여드레. 그 안에 이강무 팀장과 함께 어떻게든 살아 나갈 방법을 찾아보겠습니다. 이 시간부로 자유롭게 기숙사 안을 돌아다닐 수 있습니다. (…) 이제 학생들 관리는 사감 선생님께서 하시죠.

“We have eight days left to us. Eight days until the presidential election. Within that time, Team Leader Lee Gang-mu and I will attempt to find some way to survive. As of now, you can go about the dorm freely. (…) You be the one to supervise the students now, Hall Director.”



조국을 선택해서 태어날 수 있는 사람은 없어. 난 그곳에서 태어났고 그게 나한테 주어진 일이니까.

“No one is able to choose what country they’re born to. I was born in that place, and this is the work that was handed to me.”

은영로: 상록수 레코드점에서 노래하던 거 다 지웠어요. ...어? 웃지 마요. 응? 방금 다 지웠다니까?
임수호: 난 안 지웠는데.
은영로: 얼른 마시고 지우세요.
임수호: 안 지우고 싶은데.
은영로: 어? 지워야 되는데.
임수호: 싫은데.

Young-ro: I erased me singing at Evergreen Records. ...Oh? Don’t laugh. Hm? I just erased it all, I’m telling you?
Soo-ho: I didn’t erase it, though.
Young-ro: Quickly, drink and erase it.
Soo-ho: I don’t want to erase it, though.
Young-ro: Oh? You have to erase it, though.
Soo-ho: Don’t wanna.

니 머리에 총 겨눴던 거...지웠어.

“Having aimed a gun at your head...I erased it.”

그럼...이것도 지워.

“Then...erase this, too.”


역시 아버지였군요. (…) 날 죽이란 아버지의 지령이 옳다고 믿는다면...죽이십시오.

“As I thought, it was my father. (…) If you believe father’s order to kill me is right...kill me.”

임수호: 그 인생 강 동지 거 맞습니까? 당이 설계한 거지 강 동지가 택한 인생이 아니지 않습니까. 이제부턴 강청야도 모란봉 1호도 아닌 본명으로 사십시오. 오늘 밤 사당으로 아무도 모르게 나갈 수 있도록 돕겠습니다. 강 동지가 여기 갇혀 있다고 남태일이 믿는 동안 탈출해서 제3국으로 떠나십시오. 그게 강 동지가 살 길입니다.
강청야: 동무는? ...당의 명령을 거역한 이상 동무가 살 길도 제3국밖에 없지 않아?
임수호: 제가 떠날 수 없다는 건.. 짐작하시지 않습니까?

Soo-ho: Is that life truly yours, Comrade Kang? It’s something the Party mapped out, isn’t it, not a life you chose. From now on, live not as Kang Cheong-ya or Moran-bong 1, but under your real name. I’ll help you leave via the shrine tonight without anyone knowing. While Nam Tae-il believes you’re trapped in here, escape and leave for a third country.* That’s the [only] way you’ll live.
Chong-ya: And you? ...Now that you’ve gone against the Party’s directive, isn’t [escaping to] a third country the only way you’ll live, too?
Soo-ho: I can’t leave.. surely you’ve sensed that?

[n.b. Where Cheong-ya says ‘you’ she’s actually using the word ‘comrade’ (동무). *i.e. one that is not North or South Korea.]

내가 넌, 반드시 지켜 줄게. ...친구들도 언니들도 전부 다 무사할 거야. 다음 오픈 하우스 때는 재미있는 게임도 하고 춤도 추고.. 해야지.

“I’ll be sure to protect you. ...Your friends and your eonnies will all be unharmed, too. At the next Open House you have to play fun games and dance — right?”

[n.b. The Disney+ subs have him saying ‘we’ here but — while Soo-ho doesn’t specify who is doing the playing and dancing — he isn’t including himself in this statement. He knows one way or another he won’t be there.]

이강무: 어이, 임수호, 들었지? 밖에다 폭탄을 설치해서 기숙사를 콩가루로 만들겠다는데, 될까? 폭발력이 분산될 텐데.
임수호: 그럼. 맞아. 건물을 날려 버리려면 기숙사 내부 기둥 같은 곳에 설치해야 힘을 받지.

Gang-mu: Oi, Im Soo-ho, you heard him right? They’re going to set bombs outside and blow the dorm to smithereens. Think it’ll work? The blast power will be dispersed.
Soo-ho: Of course. You’re right. If they want to blow the building to kingdom come, they’d have to set them somewhere like the pillars inside the dorm to generate force.

우리 정보가 새 나가고 있어. 기숙사 안에 첩자가 있다는 거야. 지금 여기선 당신과 나, 은영로 빼곤 누구도 믿을 수 없어.

“Our intel is being leaked. Which means there’s a mole inside the dorm. Right now, aside from you, me, and Eun Young-ro, we can’t trust anyone in here.”

강 동지한테 새 인생을 살 기회를 주고 싶었습니다. 하지만 날 배신한 거라면 둘 중의 한 명은 죽어야겠지요.

“I wanted to give you an opportunity to live a new life. However, in the event you’ve betrayed me, one of the two of us will have to die, won’t we.”

[n.b. ‘you’ = ‘Comrade Kang’ (강 동지)]

은영로는 저 때문에 너무 혹독한 대가를 치렀어요. 위험을 무릅쓰고 저를 도와주고 살려 줬을 뿐인데. 더 이상은 상처 주고 싶지 않습니다.

“Eun Young-ro has paid far too harsh a price because of me. All she did was risk herself to help me and save my life. I don’t want to wound her more than this.”

임수호: 돌아가야죠. (…) 제가 돌아가지 않으면 제 동생 수희는 죽습니다.
강청야: 미쳤어? 림지록 부장이 동무를 살려 줄 거 같아?
임수호: 제가 돌아가면...수희는 살려 줄 겁니다.

Soo-ho: I have to return, of course. (…) If I don’t return, my younger sister Soo-hee will die.
Cheong-ya: Are you mad? Do you think Director Lim Ji-rok will spare you?
Soo-ho: If I return...he will spare Soo-hee.

이 명령이 무슨 뜻인지 압니다. 길티만 전 못 죽입니다. (…) 민족 반역자는 얼마든지 죽일 수 있습니다. 길티만 지도원 동지가 죽이라는 상대는 공화국 전사입니다. 지옥 같은 훈련을 같이 견뎌 온 동무란 말입니다. (…) 어머니 당은! 피붙이 같은 동무들을 죽이란 명령을 했을 리 없습니다. 인민 한 사람 한 사람을 소중히 여기는 당이 간고한 훈련을 마친 공화국 전사들을 버릴 리 없단 말입니다!

“I know what this command means. However, I cannot kill him. (…) I can kill as many traitors to our people as you like. However, the person you are telling me to kill is a warrior of the Republic. A comrade who has endured hellish training with me. (…) The Mother Party! could not possibly have ordered us to kill comrades who are like its own flesh and blood. I am saying that there is no way the Mother Party, which considers each and every one of its people precious, would abandon warriors of the Republic who have completed arduous training!”

[n.b. ‘you’ = ‘Instructor Comrade’ (지도원 동지); Soo-ho is speaking in a pronounced Northern accent here.]

임수호: 걱정하지 마. 변절은 나 혼자 했다고 당에 보고했으니까. 응철 동무 가족들은 모두 무사할 거야.
주격찬: 변절한 걸 보고했다고?

Soo-ho: Don’t worry. Since I reported to the Party that I committed treason alone. Your family members will all be safe.
Gyeok-chan: You reported you’d committed treason?

[n.b. ‘your’ = ‘Comrade Eung-cheol’ (응철 동무)]

은영로가 당신을 만나길 원해.

“Eun Young-ro wants to meet with you.”

이제 본격적인 전투밖에 남지 않았어. 방법이 없잖아. 막연한 희망이라도 붙잡는 수밖에.

“Now, there’s nothing left but all-out combat. We’ve got no choice. Even if it’s a faint hope, we have to grasp it.”


은영로? 은영로! 영로야.. 괜찮아? 괜찮아, 괜찮아. 괜찮아.

“Eun Young-ro? Eun Young-ro! Young-ro-ya. You all right? It’s all right, it’s all right. You’re all right.”

괜찮아. 아무도 안 죽어. 걱정하지 마.

“It’s all right. No one’s going to die. Don’t worry.”

나가는 게 목적이었으면 남태일한테 말했겠지. 다이너마이트에 기폭 장치도 없고 격발기에 배터리도 없다고. 그럼 자기가 간첩인 걸 아는 인질들을 싹 다 죽였을 텐데. 그걸 마다하고 우릴 도와준 사람을 의심해?

“If getting out was her goal, she would’ve told Nam Tae-il. That there was no triggering mechanism in the dynamite and no batteries in the detonator. Then they’d’ve killed all the hostages who know she’s a spy. But she didn’t; she helped us, yet you mistrust her?”

믿든 믿는 척하든 지금 이거 말고 다른 방법 있어? (…) 당신 말대로 강 동지가 설령 다시 안 돌아온다고 해도 난 이 방법에 배팅할 수밖에 없어. 가만히 있으면 살아 나갈 가능성 제로지만, 적어도 이 방법은 50 프로는 승산 있거든.

“Whether I believe or am pretending to believe, is there another way? (…) Even if, as you say, Comrade Kang doesn’t return, I have no choice but to bet on this method. If we do nothing, our chance of survival is zero, but at least this method has a 50-50 chance of succeeding.”

솔직히 지금도 강 동지만은 저처럼 이렇게 이용당하지 말고 제3국으로 떠나 행복하게 살았으면 좋겠습니다. 하지만 강 동지가 돌아오셔야 인질들도 조원들도 그리고 우리 수희도 살 수 있습니다.

“To be honest, even now, I’d like it if you weren’t used like me, and left for a third country and lived happily. However, you have to return in order for the hostages, my men, and even our Soo-hee to live.”

[n.b. ‘you’ = ‘Comrade Kang’ (강 동지)]


착각하지 마. 너랑 손잡은 건 생존을 위해서지. 남쪽을 택한 게 아니야. (…) 난 우리 수희를 위해서도 절대 전향할 수 없어.

“Don’t mistake me. I teamed up with you for the sake of survival. I haven’t chosen the South. (…) For the sake of our Soo-hee, as well, I can never defect.”

그래. 당신 말이 맞아. 나라고 왜 불안하지 않겠어. 수천억을 손에 쥐면 제3국으로 떠날지도 모르지. 아니, 남태일을 부추겨 우릴 다 죽여 버리고, 고첩으로 승승장구할지도 몰라. 그런 강 동지가 자신을 미행하고 감시하는 걸 알면 어떻게 나올까? 당신이 이러는 건 강 동지를 몰아세우는 거야. 배신하라고 등 떠미는 거라고. 지금 나한텐 방법이 없어. 강 동지를 믿고 기다리는 수밖에. 다른 방법이 없다고.

“Yeah. What you say is true. Did you think ’cause it’s me I wouldn’t be anxious? If she gets her hands on hundreds of millions, she might just leave for a third country. No, she might even incite Nam Tae-il, kill us all, and advance through the ranks as a spy. So how do you think Comrade Kang will react if she knows she’s being tailed and surveilled? You’re backing her into a corner doing this. You’re pushing her to betray us. This is the only shot I’ve got right now. I can only trust in Comrade Kang and wait. I don’t have another option.”

이런 일 겪게 해서...미안해. 날 만나지 않았더라면 이런 고통은 겪지 않았을 텐데.

“I’m sorry...for putting you through this. If you hadn’t met me, you wouldn’t have gone through such pain.”

아마 난...음악다방에서 노래를 불렀을 거야. 아버지처럼...음악하는 사람이 되고 싶었거든. 아버지는 탄광촌으로 쫓겨나서도, 꽃과 바람과 사랑에 관한 노래를 만들어서 불러 주시곤 했어. 우리 수희랑 아버지 따라서 그 노래 부르면서...춥고 척박한 탄광촌에서도 웃을 수 있었던 거 같아.

“I probably...would have sung at a music lounge. Like my dad...I wanted to be a musician. Even after being exiled to a coal town, dad would write songs about flowers and the wind and love and sing them to us. And when our Soo-hee and I would sing those songs along with him...even in that cold, barren coal town, I feel like we were able to smile.”

임수호: 강 동지는 조국에서 버린 우리 살려 보겠다고, 결제 대금을 가로채러 나갔어. 그 거금이 있으면 림지록과 딜을 해 볼 수도 있으니까. 주 동무의 윗선은 림지록과 숙적 관계일 거야. 이 사실을 주 동무의 윗선에 알려야 림지록을 잡을 수 있어.
주격찬: 간땡이가 부었구먼? 적지에 갇힌 주제에 통전부장 멱을 따겠다 이 말이가?
임수호: 오늘 밤 자정까지 우리 모두 자폭하지 않으면 내 동생을 죽이겠다고 한 인간이 림지록이야. 절대 그 인간 뜻대로 되게 놔둘 수 없어.

Soo-ho: Comrade Kang left to intercept the settlement funds in an effort to save us, who’ve been forsaken by the homeland. Because if we have that massive sum, we can attempt to cut a deal with Lim Ji-rok. Whoever’s at the top of your chain of command will be an old foe of Lim Ji-rok’s. We have to inform the person at the top of your chain of command of this fact in order to bring Lim Ji-rok down.
Gyeok-chan: You’ve got a set of balls on you.* You saying a guy pinned down in enemy territory is going to take the UFD director’s head?
Soo-ho: Lim Ji-rok is the lowlife who said if we don’t all blow ourselves up by midnight tonight, he’s going to kill my little sister. There’s no way in hell I can let him have his way.

[*Literally: ‘your liver is swollen’; in Korea, having a large liver means being gutsy or brave.]

격찬아. 우리 아버지는 함경북도 무산 탄광 광부셨어. 갱도가 무너져 돌아가신 노동자셨다고. 난 조국과 인민을 위해 싸워 온 거지, 공작원들의 목숨을 파리 목숨으로 여기는 자들을 위해 싸워 온 게 아니야.

“Gyeok-chan-ah. My father was a miner in the Musan Mines of Hamgyeongbuk-do. He was a laborer who passed away when a mine shaft collapsed. I’ve fought until now for the sake of our homeland and our people; I didn’t fight for those who consider the lives of their operatives dirt cheap.”

아무리 생각해 봐도 끝까지 나랑 함께 가는 건 너무 위험해.

“No matter how I think about it, going with me to the end is too dangerous.”

“Ich habe mehr als einen Namen. da ich für meine Geschäfte in viele Länder reise.”

이름이 한두 개가 아니라. 물건 판다고 이 나라 저 나라를 떠돌다 보니.

“I haven’t got just one or two names. Since I’ve wandered from country to country selling things.”


걱정 마. 어디서든 살아만 있으면 언젠간 꼭 다시 만날 수 있을 거야.

“Don’t worry. As long as we’re alive somewhere, we’ll be able to meet again someday.”

선거까지 닷새 남았어. 여기서 계속 이러고 있으면, 닷새 후엔 다 같이 죽는 거야. 동무들이 여기 남겠다면 나도 남을 거야. 하지만 여기서 죽는다고 고향에 있는 가족들이 무사할 거란 착각은 하지 마.

“Five days left until the election. If we stay here like this, in five days’ time, we all die here together. If you both say you’ll remain, I’ll remain with you. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that dying here means your families back home will be safe.”

[n.b. ‘you both’ = ‘comrades’ (동무들)]

주 동무. 니 목표는 나지 은영로는 아니잖아. 은영로는 2층으로 보내.

“Comrade Joo. I’m your target, not Eun Young-ro. Send Eun Young-ro to the second floor.”

너, 너 정말 여기서 죽고 싶어? 너나 나나 똑같은 처지인데 죽어서 거적때기 아래 전시되고 싶어? 그렇게 죽어 갖은 수모를 당해도 당은 널 모른 척할 거야. 외면할 거라고. 대선 공작을 했단 사실을 인정할 수 없을 테니까.

“You. Do you really want to die here? You and I are in the the exact same position; do you want to die and be exhibited beneath a straw mat*? Even if you die like that and suffer all sorts of humiliation, the Party will disavow you. Since they won’t be able to acknowledge the fact that they ran an op for the presidential election.”

[n.b. Here, Soo-ho actually does use the casual ‘you’ (‘neo’) to address Gyeok-chan, because he’s not trying to appeal to Gyeok-chan as his comrade, but as a human being. *He’s referring to the way the ANSP will probably stage their bodies and film them, covered by straw mats to make it less graphic, but with enough of them showing to prove they vanquished the spies.]

임수호: 최수련. (…) 최두익 전 인민무력부장의 딸 말입니까?
강청야: 최수련 부부장...아는 사람이지?
임수호: 아니요. 모르는 사람입니다.

Soo-ho: Choi Soo-ryeon. (…) Are you referring to the daughter of Choi Doo-ik, the former Director of the People’s Armed Forces?
Cheong-ya: Deputy Director Choi Soo-ryeon...she’s someone you know, isn’t she?
Soo-ho: No. I don’t know her.

강 동지, 은창수 말 믿을 수가 없습니다. 인질들부터 다 석방한 다음에 나가야 합니다.

“Comrade Kang, we cannot trust Eun Chang-soo’s words. We must leave after we’ve released all the hostages.”

배 시간 때문에 우리 먼저 떠나야 할 거 같아. 넌 여기 있다가 인질들 석방할 때 그때 같이 나가. 내 걱정은 하지 마. 3억 달러가 있으니까 우릴 죽이진 못할 거야.

“Due to the timing of the boat, it looks like we’ll have to leave first. You stay here and leave with the rest of the hostages when they’re released. Don’t worry about me. We’ve got the three hundred million, so they won’t be able to kill us.”

미안해. 어차피 우린 다시 못 볼 사이라는 거 알잖아. 기다리지 마. 난 이 기숙사를 나가는 순간 널 잊을 거야.

“I’m sorry. But you know we won’t see each other again in any case. Don’t wait. The moment I leave this dorm, I’ll forget you.”


가 봐야겠습니다...은영로가 위험해요.

“I have to go...Eun Young-ro is in danger.”

다 잊으려고 여기까지 왔습니다. 하지만 도저히 안 되겠어요. 은영로를 죽게 내버려 둘 수 없습니다.

“I came this far in an effort to forget it all. But it’s no use. I can’t leave Eun Young-ro to die.”

그래서 혁명적 전사의 길을 걸으신 어르신은 행복하셨습니까? 아들 앞에서 정체를 숨기고 사느라 아비 노릇도 제대로 못 하셨겠죠. 제 눈엔 어르신이 불쌍합니다. 가엾다고요. 여기서 살아 나간다면 제 미래의 모습은 어르신이 되는 겁니까? 죽는 건 두렵지 않습니다. 하지만...영로가 위험합니다. 남태일이 현장을 장악했어요. 앞으로 어떻게 될지 다 아시지 않습니까.

“So were you, who walked the path of a soldier of the Revolution, happy? Having to hide your identity from your son, you probably weren’t able to be a proper father to him. In my eyes, you’re pitiable, elder. I pity you. If I make it out of here alive, will I one day become like you? I’m not afraid to die. But...Young-ro is in danger. Nam Tae-il has taken control of the scene. You know what will happen.”

사당 쪽 특경대원들은 다 제거했으니까, 학생들 빨리 내보내.

“I took out the spec-ops team by the shrine, so hurry up and send the students out.”

형. 형이 나가야 다들 살 수 있어. 빨리 영로 데리고 나가.

“Hyung. You have to get out for everyone to survive. Hurry up and take Young-ro and go.”

[n.b. ‘you’ = ‘hyung’ ㅠ ㅠ]

남태일. 나 림수호다. 들리나? 내, 내가 3억 달러 계좌를 들고 기숙, 기숙사로 들어왔거든? 스, 스...스위스 BR뱅크 계좌 번호 4...492975 YMS. 비밀번호는 나와...으, 으, 은...은영로만 알고 있다.

“Nam Tae-il. This is Lim Soo-ho. You read me? I–I came into the do–dorm with the three hundred million dollar account. S-s...Swiss BR Bank account number 4...492975 YMS. The PIN number is only known to me and...Eu-eu-eun...Eun Young-ro.”

[n.b. Soo-ho identifies himself with the Northern pronunciation of his surname here because he’s playing up his identity as a North Korean spy. I think it might be the only time in the whole drama we hear him refer to himself as such. Also, this is not the account info on the document Cheong-ya shows him in EP15. So this is likely either an intentional misdirect or a total Hail Mary. There was rampant speculation over whether Soo-ho even knew the PIN number at all ㅠ ㅠ]

영로야...사, 살아, 살아야 돼...살아야 돼. 아무리...힘들어도. 알았지?

“Young-ro-ya...Y-you have to live...You have to live. No matter how...hard it is. Got it?”

영로야...로마다방에서 널 처음 만났을 때가 생각나. 무너지는 성냥개비 탑을 막으려고 손을 뻗는 널 봤을 때...사실은, 그때부터 니가 내 마음 속에 있었어. 내가 만약 평범한 젊은이였다면... (잠깐만요.. 저녁.. 같이..) 그날 난, 너한테 데이트 신청을 했을 거야. 그럼 우린...연인이 됐겠지? 놀이공원도 같이 가고. 영화도 같이 보고. 바닷가도 가고. 기타 치면서 노래도 불러주고[..]그렇게 원없이 너와 함께 하고 싶었는데...어쩌다 난...니 곁에 있어선 안될 사람이 되었을까? 애초에 널 만나지 않았더라면. 내가 종이비행기를 줍지 않았더라면. 나는 임무를 완수하고 떠났겠지? 하지만, 나는...너 만난 거 후회하지 않아. 종이비행기를 줍던 그 순간도 후회할 수가 없어. 차가운 나한테 꽃을 피워준 우리 영로. 사람답게 살게 해줘서, 사랑을 알게 해줘서, 정말 고마워. 난 떠나지만......나는...널 평생 기억할게. ...은영로. ...사랑해.

Young-ro-ya... I’m reminded of the first time I met you, at Roma Café. When I saw you reaching out your hands to keep the matchstick tower from falling...The truth is, you’ve been in my heart since then. If I had been an ordinary young man... (Wait a moment.. Dinner.. together..) that day, I would have asked you on a date. Then we...would have become sweethearts, right? Going to the amusement park together, and watching movies together. Going to the beach, playing the guitar while I sang for you. I wanted to be with you like that, to my heart’s content, yet... How is it that I...became someone who shouldn’t be beside you? If I had never met you, if I hadn’t picked up that paper airplane, I’d have probably completed my mission and left, right? But, I... I don’t regret having met you. I can’t even regret that moment when I picked up the paper airplane. Our Young-ro, who made flowers bloom in me, who was cold. For letting me live as a person, for letting me know love, I’m truly grateful. I’ll leave but I... I... I’ll remember you all my life. ...Eun Young-ro. ...I love you.

[n.b. This is a longer version of Soo-ho’s recording than made it into the final cut, but you can hear the full cassette-letter in the background of the final BTS reel.]

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