Snowdrop – Iconic Lines

“Drop the guns on the count of three or she dies. One... two... three.”


얼굴도, 이름도, 나이도 오리무중이지만, 다음. (스크린에 ‘대동강1호’ 표시된다) 놈의 공작명입니다.

“Though we’re in the dark about his face, his name, and his age–next.” (‘Daedong-gang 1’ appears on the screen) “This is the bastard’s call sign.”

~ Lee Gang-mu

첫눈에 반한다는 말이...뭔가 했거든.

“I wondered...what ‘love at first sight’ was.”

~ Eun Young-ro


어떡하긴요, 우리가 숨겨줘야죠.

“What do you mean what do we do? We have to hide him.”

~ Eun Young-ro

대선이 채 3주도 안 남았어. 3주도! 뭐가 어려워? 우린 돈만 대고 북에서 다 공작하기로 했는데. 야당 대선 후보 핵심 브레인인 한이섭이를 북으로 보내 사진 좀 찍고 북에서 선거 자금 받은 기록 좀 만들고 언론에 쫙 뿌리면 우리 후보가 대통령이 될 텐데 다 된 밥에 똥을 뿌려? 국민들이 대통령을 직접 뽑겠다고 저 지랄들인데?

“There’s not even three weeks left until the presidential election. Not three weeks! What’s so difficult? We agreed that we just have to front the cash and the North will run the entire operation: Send Han Yi-seop, the core ‘brain’ of the opposition party’s presidential candidate to the North, take some photos, forge some records of him having received election funds from the North, leak that to the press, and our candidate will become president, but you sprinkle shit on a fully prepared meal? When the public are up in arms with that crap about electing the president themselves?”

~ Nam Tae-il

주둥이 함부로 놀리지 말랬지? 세 치 혓바닥이 사람을 죽일 수도 있어.

“I told you not to spout off rashly, didn’t I? The slightest slip of the tongue* can kill a person.”

[*Literally: ‘three centimeters of the flat of the tongue’]

~ Pi Seung-hee

우리 접선 암호부터 정해야겠어요. 똑똑 똑똑똑. 이렇게 두 번, 세 번 두드리면 ‘은영로구나, 얼른 문 따 줘야지’ 이렇게 이해하는 걸로.

“We should come up with a secret code first. Knock-knock knock-knock-knock. If I knock two times and then three times, like this, you’re to think, ‘Oh, it’s Eun Young-ro. I should hurry and open the door.’”

~ Eun Young-ro

내가 키우던 비둘기가 죽어서 우니까 오라바이가 비둘기 목걸이 만딜어 줬잖아. 이거는 죽지도 않고 낼 디킬 거라믄서. 이거 세상에서 내가 제일 애끼는 건데 오라바이 줄게. 꼭 무고히 돌아와야 돼.

“When I cried because the dove I had been raising died, you made this dove necklace for me, didn’t you. Saying that this would protect me and wouldn’t even die. This is the thing I treasure most in the world, but I’ll give it to you. You have to come back safely.”

[n.b. She’s actually using the word ‘orabai’ (오라바이), North Korean dialect of ‘orabeoni’ (오라버니) — meaning ‘older brother’ — in place of ‘you.’ The word she uses for ‘safely’ (무고히), her pronunciation, and her intonation are distinctly Northern, as well.]

~ Lim Soo-hee


상명하복? 이렇게 증거가 명확한데도 덮으라고요? 증거도 없이 엉뚱한 사람 잡아 간첩 만들 때도 상명하복 철칙을 따르셨던 겁니까?

“‘Submission to our superiors’ orders’*? Even though the evidence is this clear, you’re telling me to cover it up? Were you also following the principle of submission to our superiors’ orders when you rounded up random people without any evidence and made them out to be spies?”

[*n.b. The phrase used here is ‘sanggmyeong habok’ (上命下服), which means something like ‘if [those] above order, [those] below submit.’ It not just about submitting to superiors’ orders though; it connotes a rigidly hierarchical organisation–in this case, couched within a hierarchical society.]

~ Lee Gang-mu

용이 여의주를 물고 승천할 사주로구먼. 쯧쯧쯧 어쩌나. 하필 올해 흉살이 들었네. 일주가 백호대살이네. 까딱하다간 목숨을 잃을 수도 있어. (…) 여의주를 물고 하늘로 승천할 것인지, 말에서 떨어져 죽을 것인지는 13명의 꽃에 달렸네.

“I see he has the saju of a dragon that ascends to the heavens with a cintamani stone in its mouth. Tsk tsk tsk What to do? It just so happens that this year he’s entered hyoongsal.* For one cycle, he’s due to be killed by a white tiger. If he missteps, he could lose his life. (…) Whether he ascends to the heavens with a cintamani stone in his mouth, or falls from his horse and dies depends upon thirteen flowers.”

[n.b. ‘Hyoongsal’ (凶殺/兇殺) means ‘a gruesome death,’ though in this context it’s usually meant non-literally, as in ‘a period of peril.’ When the shaman says Chang-su is ‘[due for] death by white tiger’–baekho daesal’ (白虎代殺)–the word ‘daesal’ is usually used to refer to the execution of a murderer, implying that this isn’t a random tragedy, but rather a punishment for past sins. White tigers are considered mystical creatures (靈物) in Korean tradition, compounding the implication of punishment from on high. The thirteen ‘flowers’ would be thirteen maidens, i.e. college girls.]

~ Cheollyeong-dosa


영로 씨가 이 목걸이를 하고 있어야, 걱정하지 않고 떠날 수 있을 거 같아서요. (…) 받아요. 내가 줄 게 그것밖에 없어서 그래요.

“It’s because I feel like I can only leave without worrying if you’re wearing this necklace. (…) Accept it. It’s the only thing I have to give you.”

[n.b. ‘you’re’ = ‘Young-ro-ssi’]

~ Im Soo-ho

항상 놈을 집중 감시하다가 사상성이 의심되면 가차 없이 죽이라.

“Monitor him closely at all times and, if his ideology seems suspect, kill him without mercy.”

[n.b. The word I have as ‘ideology’ is ‘sasangseong’ (思想性) which, here, is being used to mean a person’s ideological commitment to the communist cause/revolution.]

~ Choi Soo-ryeon

전화하라니까 끝까지 대답도 안 하고..
나 오늘 기숙사에서 쫓겨나는데...
누가 보고싶대?

누가 좋아한대?...
한 번만 봤음 좋겠다...

I told you to call To the very end you didn’t answer..
I’m getting kicked out of the dorm today...
Who said they missed you?
Who said they liked you?...
I wish I could see you just once...

~ Eun Young-ro

셋 셀 동안 안 버리면 이 학생 죽어. 하나......셋.

“If you don’t throw [the guns] away on the count of three, this student dies. One...two...three.”

~ Im Soo-ho


쉿, 울지 마, 정신 똑바로 차려. 거미줄도 모이면 사자를 묶을 수 있다고 했어.

“Shush, don’t cry. Get yourselves together. It’s said that even spider’s silk when gathered can bind a lion.”

~ Pi Seung-hee

경고하는데 나대지 마. 그러다 죽을 수도 있어.

“I’m warning you, don’t act out. You could get yourself killed that way.”

~ Im Soo-ho


한 번만 더 내 명령에 불복하면, 그땐... (총구로 방탄조끼를 누른다) 여기가 아니라... (총을 이마에 댄다) 여기야. 조원 목숨은 조장 손에 달렸단 사실 명심해.

“Disobey my orders one more time, and then... (puts the gun to his vest) it won’t be here... (puts the gun to his forehead) but here. Bear in mind, the team members’ lives are in their CO’s hands.”

~ Im Soo-ho

지병 있는 학생도 관리하기 어렵지만, 진짜 통제하기 힘든 학생들은 따로 있죠. 밤마다 몽유병에 걸려 싸돌아다니는 애도 있고. 무서운 줄 모르고 화염병 만들어 던지는 애들도 있고. 하지 말라는 짓만 골라서 하는... (영로 서원명부를 수호 앞에 놓는다) 또라이들도 있고. 생각해 봐요. 규칙을 어기면 쫓겨날 거 뻔히 알면서도, 버젓이 내 눈을 속이고 안기부 요원들을 속이면서, 세상에! 목욕탕 사우나 의자에 당신 감췄었죠? 홀딱 벗고, 그런 애들이에요. 간땡이가 부은 애들이죠. 당장이야 겁먹고 고분고분하겠지만, 시간이 지날수록 다루기 심히 어려울 거예요. 여대생들이라고 얌전할 거라 생각했다간 큰코다칠걸요?

“Students with chronic medical conditions are difficult to manage, but there are other students that are truly hard to control. There’s a girl who suffers from somnambulism and wanders the halls every night, girls who know no fear and make petrol bombs and throw them and...there are mad girls (places Young-ro’s file in front of Soo-ho) who expressly do the things you tell them not to. Think about it. Despite knowing full well that if they disobeyed the rules they’d be thrown out, they brazenly deceived me, fooled the ANSP agents and, heavens! hid you in the sauna room benchseat, didn’t they? Stripped bare — they’re those sort of girls. They’re audacious. For the moment, they’re frightened and will likely behave but the more time passes the more difficult they’ll be to handle. If you go thinking that because they’re college girls they’ll be docile, you’ll pay dearly.”

~ Pi Seung-hee

왜 사생 카드 있는 대학생들만 풀어주는 거죠? 나하고 김 기사님. 뭐, 오 여사님은 살 기회조차 없는 거예요? 이건 불공평해요! 도대체 무슨 근거로 나갈 사람 남을 사람을 정한 거죠? 무슨 근거로 정했냐고요! 누구 때문에 이 사달이 났는데. 왜 얘가 나가요! 누구 목숨은 귀하고 누군 천해?

“Why is it you’re only releasing college students with student cards? What, me and Mr Kim and Ms Oh–do we not even have a chance to live? This is unfair! On just what grounds did you decide who stays and who goes? What did you decide it on?! Whose fault is it that this mess happened? Why should she leave?! Are some people’s lives precious and others’ lowly?”

~ Gye Bun-ok

그만해!! 니가 뭔데 사람 목숨을 좌지우지해? 내가 남으면 되잖아. 내가 남을 테니까 다 풀어줘. 다 풀어 달라고! (…) 니가 나가. 여긴 우리 기숙사야. 우리 기숙사라고 이 빨갱이 새끼야!

“Stop it!! Who are you to decide who lives or dies*? It’s fine if I stay, right? I’ll stay, so release them all. I said release them all! (…) You get out. This is our dorm. It’s our dorm you commie bastard!”

[*Literally: ‘to control people’s lives,’ not so much how they live them, but whether they live them. And yes, she full-on curses him out.]

~ Eun Young-ro

제발 아무 죄 없는 사람들은 풀어줘. 너...내가 누군지 모르지? 말해 줄게. 나...안기부장 딸이야. 은창수 국가안전기획부장이...내 아버지라니까.

“Please, release the people who’ve done nothing wrong. You...don’t know who I am, do you? I’ll tell you. I’m...the ANSP director’s daughter. I’m telling you, the director of the Agency for National Security my father.”

~ Eun Young-ro


은영로가 제 입으로 발설하던가요? 안기부장 딸이라고? 기숙사에서 쫓겨나게 됐을 때도 입도 뻥긋하지 않더니. (…) 그쪽을 감춰 준 게 들통나서 퇴사 조치 당했어요. 추호도 의심 없이 선한 일이라 믿고 그쪽을 도왔는데. 그래서 후회와 반성은커녕 그 어떤 고초도 달게 받겠다고 나섰는데. 그 용기와 희생이 덧없게도 기숙사를 이 지경으로 만들고 친구들을 사지로 몰았으니, 지금 은영로 심정이 어떨지 생각해 봤어요? 그 심정 조금이라도 헤아린다면 학생을 단 한 명이라도 더 내보내는 게 마땅해요. 그게 위험을 무릅쓰고 당신을 살려 준 사람에 대한 최소한의 도리죠.

“Did Eun Young-ro disclose that herself? That she’s the ANSP director’s daughter? And yet she didn’t breathe a word about it when she was kicked out of the dorm. (…) She was evicted when it got out that she had hidden you. She helped you without the slightest suspicion, believing she was doing good. So, not only did she not regret or show remorse for her actions, she came forward saying she’d gladly submit to any punishment. But since that bravery and sacrifice only reduced the dormitory to this state and drove her friends into mortal peril...have you thought of how Eun Young-ro must be feeling now? If you can fathom her feelings even the slightest bit, you ought to release even one more student. That’s the least of what you owe the person who risked herself to save you.”

~ Pi Seung-hee

그 종이비행기...왜 가지고 있어? 설마 그 종이비행기 때문에...그거 때문에 기숙사로 들어온 거야?

“That paper airplane...why do you have it? Don’t tell me because of that paper airplane... Did you come into the dorm because of that?”

~ Eun Young-ro


니가 울 오빠 죽인 놈들 대장이야? 이 악마 같은 새끼야. 기숙사를 이 지경으로 만든 것도 모자라서 울 오빠를 죽여? 울 오빠가 뭘 잘못했는데? 울 오빠가 뭘 잘못했는데?! 울 오빠 살려 내. 울 오빠 살려 내라고!

“You’re the commander of the bastards who killed my brother? You evil bastard. It wasn’t enough that you reduced the dorm to this state; you killed my brother? What did my brother do wrong? What did my brother do wrong?! Bring my brother back. Bring my brother back!”

~ Eun Young-ro

안기부장 딸이 동무를 이 기숙사에 감춰 줬다고? (…) 신세를 졌으니 신경 쓰이는 거야 인지상정이겠지만, 사사로운 감정 따위에 일을 망치지 마.

“The ANSP director’s daughter hid you in this dormitory? (…) It may be human nature to pay her mind since you owe her, but don’t screw things up over something like personal feelings.”

[n.b. ‘you’ = ‘comrade’ (동무)]

~ Kang Cheong-ya

미안합니다. 이거이 나한텐 목숨보다 귀한 거라.

“I’m sorry. As this is something more precious to me than my life.”

[n.b. ‘this’ = the dove necklace]

~ Im Soo-ho

니놈이 여기서 살아 나갈 수 있을 거 같아? 동서독에서 활동했던 공작원이니까 니놈도 잘 알겠지. 이거 남북 웃대가리들이 짠 대선 공작인 거. 선거에서 압승하려면 기숙사에 갇힌 인질들을 모두 구출해서 국민들을 기쁘게 하는 게 유리할까? 아니면 모두 죽여서 국민들을 분노케 하는 게 유리할까? 당연히 후자겠지. 모두 죽여야 대북 경각심이 커져서 여당을 찍을 테니까. 무고한 학생들을 전부 죽이는데 간첩 새끼들을 살려준다? 말이 된다고 생각해? (…) 개소리 좀 작작 해. 아직도 모르겠어? 남북 합작 대선 공작에서 너나 나 같은 졸개들은 그냥 이용당할 뿐이라고.

“Do you think you can get out of here alive? Since you’re an operative who was active in East Germany, I’m sure you know as well as I do. This is a scheme for the election planned by the top brass of North and South Korea. In order to win a landslide victory in the election, is it to their advantage to save all the hostages trapped inside the dorm and please the public? Or is it to their advantage to kill everyone and enrage the public? It’d be the latter, of course. They have to kill everyone to increase the anti-North sentiment so people will vote for the ruling party. They’re going to kill all the innocent students, but let the bloody spies live? You think that makes sense? (…) Cut the bull. Do you still not get it? In this joint North-South scheme for the election, pawns like you and I just get used.”

~ Lee Gang-mu

쫓기다가 우연히 봤을 뿐이야. (…) 난 그저 낡은 사당에 몸을 피했을 뿐이야. 그게 기숙사로 통하는 비상구로 연결되어 있는 줄 알았다면...죽어도 안 들어왔어.

“I just happened to see it* as I was being chased. (…) I just took shelter in an old shrine. If I had known it was connected to the emergency exit leading to the dorm...I’d have sooner died than gone in.”

[*n.b. Young-ro’s paper airplane]

~ Im Soo-ho


제발. 제발 나 좀 믿어줘.  더이상 널 괴롭히고 싶지 않아. ...널 지켜볼 수 밖에 없는 거...그것 땜에 돌아버리겠다고.

“Please. Please, just trust me. I don’t want to torment you any more. ...The fact that all I can do is watch over you...I’m gonna go mad because of it.”

~ Im Soo-ho

투항? 지금 널 투항시켜 봤자 밖에서 받아줄 거 같아? 자기들 권력 유지하자고 국민들 목숨 가지고 장난치는 새끼들이야. 그런 개자식들한테 이대로 당할 순 없단 말이 그렇게 알아듣기 어려워? 인민을 자식처럼 보살피는 당이 너희들을 버릴 리 없다고? 과연 그럴까? 남북 합작 대선 공작에서 거액의 돈이 오갈 텐데 일개 공작원 셋의 목숨을 구하자고 천문학적인 거액을 포기한다? 말이 된다고 생각해?

“Surrender? You think if I got you to surrender right now they’ll accept it? They’re bastards who toy with the citizens’ lives to remain in power. Is it so hard to understand that I can’t just let those sons of bitches have their way? You said there’s no way the Party that looks after the people as if they were its children would abandon you guys? Is that really the case? In this joint election scheme a huge amount of money is bound to change hands, but they’ll give up that astronomical sum to save the lives of three mere operatives? You think that makes sense?”

~ Lee Gang-mu

뉴스 보고 있지? 잘 들어. 국민들 눈에는 너희들이 시간을 질질 끄는 걸로 비쳐야 돼. 우리는 틈만 나면 너희들을 진압하려는 걸로 비쳐야 되고. 근데 왜 진압을 못 하냐? 섣불리 했다간 너희들이 자폭하는 걸로 보여야 돼. 인질들 싹 다 죽이고, 오케이? 그러니까 인질들 석방 따위는 하면 안 된다 이 말이야 오케이?

“You’re watching the news, right? Listen up. It has to look to the public like you guys are dragging this out. And we have to look like we’re trying to subdue you guys at the soonest chance. But why can’t we subdue you? Because if we’re rash about it, you guys will blow yourselves up, killing all the hostages. That’s how it has to look. Okay? So I’m saying you can’t go doing stuff like releasing the hostages, capisce?”

~ Nam Tae-il

이 중차대한 기로에 애들 목숨이 문제야? 까짓것 다 죽이게 생기면 당신 딸만 구하고. (…) 남북 협상 내용 잊었어? 빨갱이 새끼들은 싹 다 죽이기로 북이랑 합의했고, 인질들은 다 살리기로 했잖아, 응? 내 말은 상황에 따라서...

“At this critical juncture, are the kids’ lives an issue? If it comes down to killing them all, we can just save your daughter. (…) Did you forget the terms of our deal with the North? They agreed that we would kill all the bloody reds and save all the hostages, yeah? What I’m saying is, depending on the situation...

~ Nam Tae-il

아직도 상황 판단이 안 돼? 대가리가 그렇게 안 돌아가나? 아 9일 후엔 떠날 거라고 은영로한테 얘기했다며? 왜 하필 9일 후냐고 묻길래, 인질극이 대선 공작이라는 걸 얘기했지. 지 아버지가 인질들을 다 죽일 수 있다는 걸.. (…) 왜? 가슴 아파? 오빠까지 죽었는데 지 아버지 손에 친구들이 죽어나갈 수 있다는 걸 알게 됐으니 아마...미쳐 버릴 거야. 가뜩이나 저 때문에 이 사달이 벌어졌다고 자책하는 애인데 얼마나 죽고 싶겠어? (…) 괴롭지? 너도 괴로울 거야. 은영로를 사랑하니까.

Have you still not grasped the situation? Are you that thick? Ah, I heard you told Eun Young-ro you’ll leave in nine days. Since she asked why it had to be nine days, I told her the hostage situation was a scheme for the election. That her father could kill all the hostages– (…) What? Does your heart hurt? Her brother’s already died, and since she’s learnt her friends could all die at her father’s hand...she’ll probably lose it. The kid’s already blaming herself that this whole mess happened because of her; how much must she want to die? (…) Painful, right? You’ve got to be in agony, too. Because you love Eun Young-ro.”

~ Lee Gang-mu

어이, 안기부 팀장. 정권의 횡포에 맞서는 사람들을 간첩으로 몰아서 죽인 안기부. 공안 정국 만들려고 죄 없는 동포들의 인생을 짓밟아 온 정권의 개. 그게 안기부잖아. 거기서 월급 받아 처먹던 놈이 지금 누굴 비난해?

“Oi, ANSP team leader. The ANSP that’s framed people who stand up to the tyranny of the regime as spies and killed them. The hounds of the regime that have trampled on the lives of innocent compatriots to create a security state. That’s the ANSP, isn’t it? Who is the bastard who glutted himself on the pay there condemning now?”

~ Im Soo-ho

따지고 보면 다 똑같아. 북송이란 이벤트로 재일 교포들을 속여서 수많은 교포들의 인생을 짓밟은 북한 정권이나, 공안 정국 만든 남한 정권이나.

“When you get down to it, it’s all the same. The North Korean regime that fooled and trampled on the lives of countless Japanese-Koreans with their repatriation campaign, and the the South Korean regime that established a security state.”

~ Lee Gang-mu

팀장님. 어차피 당신이나 나나 목숨 저당 잡힌 신세니까 말씀드릴게요. 비록 당신들의 힘에 굴복 당한 나약한 존재지만 죄 없는 사람을 간첩 만들어 출세하는 악마들한테 우리 학생들 판 적 없어요.

“Team leader-nim. Since you and I are both in the position of having our lives held as collateral anyway, I’ll tell you. Though I may be a weak being who was made to submit to your* strength, I’ve never sold out my students to you demons who get promoted for making innocents into spies.”

[*n.b. ‘your’ here is plural, as she’s referring to the entire ANSP.]

~ Pi Seung-hee

은영로. 대답해. 거기 있는 거 맞지?  내가 먼저 찾아야 널 살릴 수 있어. 영로야. 대답해, 제발.

“Eun Young-ro. Answer me. You’re there, right? I have to find you first to be able to save you. Young-ro-ya. Answer me, please.”

~ Im Soo-ho


그 돈으로..! 공화국 영웅이 되면 죽은 동무들의 가족들이 호의호식하겠죠. 죽은 자식 목숨값으로 행복해할 부모가 있겠습니까?전 반드시 살아 돌아가야 합니다. 응철이도 살아 돌아가서 어머니 모시고 행복해야 합니다. 그래서 더욱 알아야겠습니다. 북남이 과연 어떤 협상을 했는지. 그 대단한 거금 속에 우리 목숨값이 들어가 있는 건 아닌지...기필코 알아내야겠습니다.

“With that money..! If our fallen comrades become Heroes of the Republic, they’ll probably see to it their families live comfortably. But what parent would be happy with the blood price of their dead child? I have to return alive. Eun-cheol-ie has to return home alive, too, and care for his mother and be happy. Which is all the more reason why I have to know. What deal the North and South ultimately made, and whether or not the price of our lives is factored into that massive sum...I have to find out at all costs.”

~ Im Soo-ho

모두 다 입 닥치게 만들려면 당연히 한 사람도 빠짐없이 죽여야겠죠. 그런다고 당신 정체가 영원히 감춰질 거 같아요? 나처럼 당신 정체를 들킬 날이 반드시 와요. 그땐 당신도 뭘 위해 살았나 싶어질 텐데. 그 허무한 인생을 어떻게 감당하려고 죄 없는 학생들을 다 죽이겠다는 거죠?

“In order to ensure everyone’s silence, you’ll of course have to kill every last person. But do you think doing so will ensure your identity remains secret forever? Just like me, one day for sure, your identity will be discovered. And then you, too, will start to wonder what it was you lived for. How do you intend to come to terms with that futile life if you’re willing to kill all the innocent students?”

~ Pi Seung-hee

인연? 악마한테 시달린 것도 인연이라고? 멀쩡한 사람을 간첩으로 몰아 두 사람이나 죽여 놓고도, 니놈들은 훈장 받고 포상금까지 받았어. 국가에 충성했답시고! 내가 그걸 잊을 거 같아? (…) 날 가장 잔인하게 고문했던 놈이 내가 풀려나던 날 사람들 앞에서 눈물을 흘렸지. 지금 당신 같은 얼굴을 하고.

“‘Connection’*? Is being harassed by a demon also a connection? Even after accusing a perfectly normal person of being a spy and killing two others, you bastards received medals and even reward money. Allegedly having served your country! Do you think I would forget that? (…) The bastard who tortured me most ruthlessly shed tears in public on the day I was released. Wearing the same face you are now.”

[*n.b. in’yeon]

~ Pi Seung-hee

이거 확보하느라 안기부 조사실에서 지금 누구 하나는 죽어 나가고 있어. 듣고 잘 판단해. 내가 이걸 당신한테 가져온 이유는 당신이 청산가리 먹고 죽은 박금철하고는 다르다고 생각하기 때문이야.

“In order to obtain this, someone is dying in the ANSP interrogation room right now. Listen and decide well. The reason I’ve brought this to you is because I believe you’re different from Park Geum-cheol, who swallowed cyanide and died.”

~ Jang Han-na


임무? 누굴 위한 임무인데? 무엇을 위한 임무인데?! 주 동무, 남조선 괴뢰 도당을 무찔러 혁명을 완수하자고 해 놓고 남한 정권 재창출을 위해 우릴 버렸어. (…) 혁명 때문이 아니라 돈 때문이겠지. 돈 때문에 조국에 충성해 온 공작원들의 목숨을 남조선에 판 거야. 난 그걸 용서할 수 없는 거라고.

“Mission? Who is the mission for? What is the mission for?! Comrade Joo, they said we should complete the Revolution by defeating the South Korean puppet cabal, and then abandoned us to re-establish the South Korean regime. (…) It isn’t for the Revolution; I bet it’s for the money. For the sake of money, they sold operatives who have been loyal to the homeland to South Korea. That’s something I can’t forgive.”

[n.b. ‘the Revolution’ = the North Korean People’s Democratic Revolution (인민민주주의 혁명)]

~ Im Soo-ho

사람을 죽여 봤어? (…) 처음 죽인 상대의 눈이 평생을 따라다니지. 생명이 꺼져 가던 그 눈이 밥 먹을 때도 잠을 잘 때도 꿈속에서조차 따라붙어 악몽 속에서 끝도 없이 쫓기는 고통이 평생 널 짓누를 텐데.

“Have you ever killed someone? (…) The eyes of the first person you kill follow you your entire life. Those eyes as the life drained out of them dog you when you eat, and when you sleep; they even hound you in your dreams. The torment of being endlessly chased in your nightmares is bound to weigh on you your whole life.”

~ Im Soo-ho

그래? 그렇다면 쏴야지. 쏴!! 미련한 년 같으니라고. 니 언니가 어떻게 죽었는데 간첩질이야? 너도 니 언니처럼 가고 싶어?!

“Indeed? Then you should shoot. Shoot!! You foolish wretch. Just how did your sister die that you’re playing at being a spy? Do you want to go the same way your sister did?!”

~ Pi Seung-hee

입 다물어. 사태가 얼마나 심각한 줄도 모르고 이기적인 소리나 지껄여. 간첩들은 물론이고 여차하면 우리까지 다 죽일 수도 있는 게 안기부야. 선거에 승리하기 위해선 서른 명 목숨쯤? 우스운 게 안기부라고.

“Shut your mouth. Jabbering on selfishly without knowing how grave the situation is. The ANSP could kill the spies, of course, and even us, if need be. For the sake of winning the election, the lives of a mere thirty people? They’re nothing to the ANSP.*”

[*Literally: ‘the ANSP finds them laughable/trivial’]

~ Pi Seung-hee

만약 기약도 없이 우리가 다시 만나게 되면 날 살려 준 빚은 꼭 갚을게요.

“If we end up meeting again by chance, I’ll be sure to repay you for saving me.”

~ Kang Cheong-ya

와, 나 진짜 적응 안 되네? 간첩이랑 나란히 서 있는데...안심이 되니까.

“Wow, I seriously can’t get used to this. You’re standing side-by-side with a spy...but I’m relieved.”

~ Jang Han-na

첫눈에 반한다는 말이...뭔가 했거든? 그 남자를 본 순간 단박에 알았어. 잠깐 손이 스쳤을 뿐인데 심장이 쿵! 이런 게...첫사랑일까? 그 남자도 종이비행기를 좋아하나 봐. 그걸 못 집었을 때는 진짜 너무, 너무, 너무, 너무 아쉬웠는데. 상록수에서... 아, 하필 그때 딱 마주칠 게 뭐야? 아, 바보 같아 보였으면 어떡하지? 괜찮아, 은영로. 창피하지만 다시 만났으니까. 심장이 팡! 터져 버리는 줄 알았어. 이런 걸 운명적인 사랑이라고 하는 건가?

I wondered...what ‘love at first sight’ was. The moment I saw him, I knew at once. Our hands only brushed for a moment, but my heart...thud! Could first love? It seems he likes paper airplanes, too. When I couldn’t pick that up I was really so so so so disappointed but, at Evergreen... Ah, how is it I happened to run into him right then? What if I looked like an idiot? It’s okay, Eun Young-ro. It’s embarrassing, but.. since you met him again... I thought my heart would — bang! — just burst. Is this what you call a fated love?

~ Eun Young-ro

닥쳐. 암만 저 계집이 좋다 해도 북에 있는 가족들을 버리고 저 계집을 택해? 언제든지 반역자가 될 놈이니까 사상성이 의심되는 새끼는 가차 없이 죽여라. 그런 지령을 내린 이유가 있었어. (…) 설령 여기서 살아 나간다 해도 니놈은 북으로 못 돌아가. 저 계집이랑 여기서 편하게 살지도 못할 걸? 조국이 끝까지 찾아내 널 처단할 테니까. (…) 애당초 니놈은 버리는 카드였어.

“Shut up. No matter how much you like that chit, how could you abandon your family in the North and choose her? ‘He could turn traitor at any time, so kill curs whose ideology seems suspect without mercy.’ There was a reason they handed down such orders. (…) Even if you make it out of here alive, you won’t be able to return to the North, you bastard. You probably won’t be able to live here in peace with that chit, either. Since the homeland will hunt you down and execute you. (…) From the start, you were a card meant to be discarded.”

~ Joo Gyeok-chan

근데 사실 이거 보통 커피가 아니에요. 이걸 마시면...안 좋은 기억이 싹 다 지워져요. 응? 왜 웃지? 진짠데. 전 안 좋은 일 생길 때마다 이거 마시고 다 지웠어요. 아, 오늘은 또 뭘 지울까? 뭐 지우지?

“But, actually, this isn’t normal coffee. If you drink this...all your unpleasant memories are erased. Hm? Why’s he laughing? I’m serious. Every time something unpleasant happened I drank this and erased it all. Ah, what will I erase today? What should I erase?”

~ Eun Young-ro

그럼...이것도 지워.

“Then...erase this, too.”

~ Im Soo-ho


그 인생 강 동지 거 맞습니까? 당이 설계한 거지 강 동지가 택한 인생이 아니지 않습니까. 이제부턴 강청야도 모란봉 1호도 아닌 본명으로 사십시오. 오늘 밤 사당으로 아무도 모르게 나갈 수 있도록 돕겠습니다.

“Is that life truly yours, Comrade Kang? It’s something the Party mapped out, isn’t it, not a life you chose. From now on, live not as Kang Cheong-ya or Moran-bong 1, but under your real name. I’ll help you leave via the shrine tonight without anyone knowing.”

[n.b. ‘you’ = ‘Comrade Kang’ (강 동지)]

~ Im Soo-ho

그래서 방아쇠 당겼니? 빈 총인 줄도 모르고 설치는 꼴이라니. 그 의사가 니 아버지를 살려 준댔어? 그런 사람이 얼마나 널 못 믿으면 빈 총을 줬을까. 그게 바로 널 무시하고 이용하는 거야. 알겠니?

“Is that why you pulled the trigger? To think, you ran amuck not even knowing the gun was unloaded. Did that doctor say she would save your father? How little she must have trusted you to give you an unloaded gun. That is being dismissive of you and using you. Understand?”

~ Pi Seung-hee

내가 넌, 반드시 지켜 줄게. ...친구들도 언니들도 전부 다 무사할 거야. 다음 오픈 하우스 때는 재미있는 게임도 하고 춤도 추고.. 해야지.

“I’ll be sure to protect you. ...Your friends and your eonnies will all be unharmed, too. At the next Open House you have to play fun games and dance–right?”

[n.b. The Disney+ subs have him saying ‘we’ here but — while Soo-ho doesn’t specify who is doing the playing and dancing — he isn’t including himself in this statement. He knows one way or another he won’t be there.]

~ Im Soo-ho

은영로는 저 때문에 너무 혹독한 대가를 치렀어요. 위험을 무릅쓰고 저를 도와주고 살려 줬을 뿐인데. 더 이상은 상처 주고 싶지 않습니다.

“Eun Young-ro has paid far too harsh a price because of me. All she did was risk herself to help me and save my life. I don’t want to wound her more than this.”

~ Im Soo-ho

제 아버지 간첩을 쫓다 총에 맞아 돌아가셨습니다. 그런 아버지 뒤를 이어 빨갱이 잡자고 안기부에 입사했는데...간첩을 잡기는커녕 실적 올리려고 죄 없는 사람들 간첩 만드는 거 보고...도망쳤습니다. 그래, 난 진짜 빨갱이만 잡으면 되니까. 여기저기, 여기저기로 떠돌았는데...이젠 제가 어떻게 해야겠습니까? 아무 죄 없는 학생들을 다 죽이겠다는데. 이번엔 어디로 도망쳐야 합니까?

“My father took a bullet while pursuing a spy and passed away. I joined the ANSP to carry on his legacy and catch reds, but...not only did we not catch spies, when I saw how they made innocent people into spies in order to produce results...I ran. ‘Fine, I just have to catch actual reds.’ So I wandered about here and there, here and there...Now what should I do? You’re saying you’re going to kill all the innocent students, but...where should I run to this time?”

~ Lee Gang-mu

우리가 원래 강해서 고첩이 되고 공작원이 됐어? 그렇게 길러진 거지.

“Did we become spies and operatives because we were originally strong? We became that way.”

~ Kang Cheong-ya

나 말고 언니들이요, 친구들이요! 기숙사에 지금 서른 명도 넘게 있잖아요! 언니들하고 친구들은 아무 잘못 없는 거 아시잖아요. 제발 살려 주세요. 이게 다 저 때문인데. (…) 오빠도. 울 오빠도...나 때문에 죽은 거나 마찬가지인데. 친구들하고 언니들까지 잘못되면 저 진짜...

“Not me — my eonnies, my friends! There are more than thirty people in the dorm right now! You know that my eonnies and my friends have done nothing wrong. Please, let them live. This is all because of me. (…) And oppa, my brother, too...he may as well have died because of me. If something happens to my friends and my eonnies, too, I really...

~ Eun Young-ro


안 돼!! 나만 빼낼 생각이었죠? 이 사람도, 안에 있는 친구들도 다 죽일 생각이었죠?!

“No!! You were planning to get just me out, weren’t you? This person, too, and all my friends inside, you were planning to kill them all, weren’t you?!”

~ Eun Young-ro

너나 주둥이 닥쳐. 위대한 공화국 전사가 적의 수괴 앞에서 비굴하게 목숨을 구걸해? ...안기부장 딸년과 정을 통하다니. 그것만으로도 넌 총살감이야.

“You shut your trap. A warrior of the Great Republic begs for our lives like a coward before the enemy’s ringleader? ...And an affair with the ANSP director’s brat. That alone’s enough to make you gun fodder.”

[n.b. The phrase he uses here (정을 통하다) implies a lot more intimacy than their innocent attraction warrants, often connoting an illicit relationship. You can see the way Soo-ho’s face changes when he says it. Though, it’s probably also in part because Gyeok-chan tacks the word 년 (‘bitch’) onto the word 딸 (‘daughter’), which is every bit as rude as it sounds — much worse than brat.]

~ Joo Gyeok-chan

그건 우리가 살 수 있는 근본적인 대책이 아니지. 돈줄을 막아야 돼. 돈줄만 막으면 남이든 북이든 우릴 함부로 죽이지 못할 테니까. (…) 내가 나가서 그 결제 대금 가로채 올게요. 돈이 우리 수중에 있는 한 폭탄? 절대 못 터트려요.

“That’s not the fundamental countermeasure that will save us. We have to block their line of funding. If we can just do that, neither the South nor the North will be able to kill us rashly. (…) I’ll go out and intercept the settlement funds. As long as the money is in our hands, the bombs? They’ll never be able to set them off.”

~ Kang Cheong-ya


아마 난...음악다방에서 노래를 불렀을 거야. 아버지처럼...음악하는 사람이 되고 싶었거든. 아버지는 탄광촌으로 쫓겨나서도, 꽃과 바람과 사랑에 관한 노래를 만들어서 불러 주시곤 했어. 우리 수희랑 아버지 따라서 그 노래 부르면서...춥고 척박한 탄광촌에서도 웃을 수 있었던 거 같아.

“I probably...would have sung at a music lounge. Like my dad...I wanted to be a musician. Even after being exiled to a coal town, dad would write songs about flowers and the wind and love and sing them to us. And when our Soo-hee and I would sing those songs along with him...even in that cold, barren coal town, I feel like we were able to smile.”

[n.b. The ‘our ~’ is a function of the way in-group/out-group conventions are expressed linguistically in Korean. Since she’s family and dear to him, Soo-ho often tacks ‘our’ (우리) on in front of Soo-hee’s name when speaking of her. It can be used in reference to anyone you consider to belong to you/a group you belong to, or to express affection, the way you might call someone ‘my ~’ in English.]

~ Im Soo-ho

이강무 바꿔. 이강무 씨, 당신 입장은 알겠는데...기분 더럽네. 경고하는데, 미행, 감시는 이걸로 끝내. 장한나, 알아들었니?

“Put Lee Gang-mu on. Lee Gang-mu-ssi, I get where you’re coming from...but it feels shitty. I’m warning you, let this be the last of your tailing and surveillance. Jang Han-na, you got that?”

~ Kang Cheong-ya

사상이나 신념 따위가 어떻게 사랑보다 더 중요하겠어요? 그건...남녀 구분 없는 인생의 진리죠.

“How could something like ideology or creed be more important than love? a truth of life that doesn’t distinguish between genders.”

~ Pi Seung-hee

격찬아. 우리 아버지는 함경북도 무산 탄광 광부셨어. 갱도가 무너져 돌아가신 노동자셨다고. 난 조국과 인민을 위해 싸워 온 거지, 공작원들의 목숨을 파리 목숨으로 여기는 자들을 위해 싸워 온 게 아니야.

“Gyeok-chan-ah. My father was a miner in the Musan Mines of Hamgyeongbuk-do. He was a laborer who passed away when a mine shaft collapsed. I’ve fought until now for the sake of our homeland and our people; I didn’t fight for those who consider the lives of their operatives dirt cheap.”

~ Im Soo-ho

수호 씨 옆에 끝까지 있을 거예요.

“I’ll be by your side until the end.”

[n.b. ‘your’ = ‘Soo-ho-ssi’]

~ Eun Young-ro


걱정 마. 어디서든 살아만 있으면 언젠간 꼭 다시 만날 수 있을 거야.

“Don’t worry. As long as we’re alive somewhere, we’ll be able to meet again someday.”

~ Im Soo-ho

이제 됐니? 너 혼자만 살려고 용쓰지 마. 널 도와줄 수 있는 힘 있는 놈이면 누구든 땡큐라고? 그게 누군지 알아? 니 언니를 고문한 놈이야. 고문을 견디다 못해 자살하게 만든 게 바로 그놈이라고.

“Satisfied? Don’t strive to save just yourself. Anyone with power who can help you is a ‘thank you’? Do you know who that is? He’s the bastard who tortured your sister. He’s the one who tortured your sister until she could no longer bear it and killed herself.”

~ Pi Seung-hee

수천억을 쥐고 떠나면 뭐 해? 언제 날 죽이러 올지 누가 날 죽일지 한 치도 편할 수가 없는데. 그것 또한 우리에 갇힌 삶 아니야? 이왕 갇힐 바엔 혼자보단 둘이 낫겠다 싶어서.

“What’s the point of taking off with hundreds of millions? I won’t be able to relax for a single second wondering when they’ll come to kill me, who’ll come to kill me. Isn’t that also [part of] our trapped lives? If I’m trapped anyway, I figured being trapped together is better than being trapped alone.”

~ Kang Cheong-ya

어차피 학생들 안전은 내 몫이야. 한나가 갈 기자 데리러 갔으니까, 걱정 말고 가. 우리 다시는 만나지 말자.

“The students’ safety is my lot, after all. Han-na managed to get Reporter Gal out, so don’t worry; just go. Let’s not meet again.”

~ Lee Gang-mu

미안해. 어차피 우린 다시 못 볼 사이라는 거 알잖아. 기다리지 마. 난 이 기숙사를 나가는 순간 널 잊을 거야.

“I’m sorry. But you know we won’t see each other again in any case. Don’t wait. The moment I leave this dorm, I’ll forget you.”

~ Im Soo-ho


가 봐야겠습니다...은영로가 위험해요.

“I have to go...Eun Young-ro is in danger.”

~ Im Soo-ho

그래서 혁명적 전사의 길을 걸으신 어르신은 행복하셨습니까? 아들 앞에서 정체를 숨기고 사느라 아비 노릇도 제대로 못 하셨겠죠. 제 눈엔 어르신이 불쌍합니다. 가엾다고요. 여기서 살아 나간다면 제 미래의 모습은 어르신이 되는 겁니까? 죽는 건 두렵지 않습니다. 하지만...영로가 위험합니다. 남태일이 현장을 장악했어요. 앞으로 어떻게 될지 다 아시지 않습니까.

“So were you, who walked the path of a soldier of the Revolution, happy? Having to hide your identity from your son, you probably weren’t able to be a proper father to him. In my eyes, you’re pitiable, elder. I pity you. If I make it out of here alive, will I one day become like you? I’m not afraid to die. But...Young-ro is in danger. Nam Tae-il has taken control of the scene. You know what will happen.”

~ Im Soo-ho

내 이름은 은혜야. 김은혜.

“My name is Eun-hye. Kim Eun-hye.”

~ Kang Cheong-ya

영로 데리고 나가라고 이 새끼야! 내 말 안 들려? 형 말 들으라고.

“I said take Young-ro and get out, you bastard! Do you hear me? Listen to your hyung.”

~ Lee Gang-mu

형. 형이 나가야 다들 살 수 있어. 빨리 영로 데리고 나가.

“Hyung. You have to get out for everyone to survive. Hurry up and take Young-ro and go.”

[n.b. ‘you’ = ‘hyung’ ㅠ ㅠ}

~ Im Soo-ho

영로야...사, 살아, 살아야 돼...살아야 돼. 아무리...힘들어도. 알았지?

“Young-ro-ya...Y-you, you have to live...You have to live. No matter how...hard it is. Got it?”

~ Im Soo-ho

영로야...로마다방에서 널 처음 만났을 때가 생각나. 무너지는 성냥개비 탑을 막으려고 손을 뻗는 널 봤을 때...사실은, 그때부터 니가 내 마음 속에 있었어. 내가 만약 평범한 젊은이였다면... (잠깐만요.. 저녁.. 같이..) 그날 난, 너한테 데이트 신청을 했을 거야. 그럼 우린...연인이 됐겠지? 놀이공원도 같이 가고. 영화도 같이 보고. 바닷가도 가고. 기타 치면서 노래도 불러주고[..]그렇게 원없이 너와 함께 하고 싶었는데...어쩌다 난...니 곁에 있어선 안될 사람이 되었을까? 애초에 널 만나지 않았더라면. 내가 종이비행기를 줍지 않았더라면. 나는 임무를 완수하고 떠났겠지? 하지만, 나는...너 만난 거 후회하지 않아. 종이비행기를 줍던 그 순간도 후회할 수가 없어. 차가운 나한테 꽃을 피워준 우리 영로. 사람답게 살게 해줘서, 사랑을 알게 해줘서, 정말 고마워. 난 떠나지만......나는...널 평생 기억할게. ...은영로. ...사랑해.

Young-ro-ya... I’m reminded of the first time I met you, at Roma Café. When I saw you reaching out your hands to keep the matchstick tower from falling...The truth is, you’ve been in my heart since then. If I had been an ordinary young man... (Wait a moment.. Dinner.. together..) that day, I would have asked you on a date. Then we...would have become sweethearts, right? Going to the amusement park together, and watching movies together. Going to the beach, playing the guitar while I sang for you. I wanted to be with you like that, to my heart’s content, yet... How is it that I...became someone who shouldn’t be beside you? If I had never met you, if I hadn’t picked up that paper airplane, I’d have probably completed my mission and left, right? But, I... I don’t regret having met you. I can’t even regret that moment when I picked up the paper airplane. Our Young-ro, who made flowers bloom in me, who was cold. For letting me live as a person, for letting me know love, I’m truly grateful. I’ll leave, but I... I... I’ll remember you all my life. ...Eun Young-ro. ...I love you.

[n.b. This is a longer version of Soo-ho’s recording than made it into the final cut, but you can hear the full cassette-letter in the background of the final BTS reel.]

~ Im Soo-ho

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