Snowdrop – DS : EP16 Scene 43

This is yet another scene they shot several takes of (as evidenced by an alternate version of the above photo in which Soo-ho is not wearing a hat) but ultimately ended up cutting ㅠ ㅠ Continuity-wise, this scene follows right on the heels of DS 16.30-31, with Young-ro having apparently cried herself to sleep after she made her way to the attic. In the context of the script, this scene is immediately preceded by Gyeok-chan and Eung-cheol’s end, transitioning from the moon above the port to...

n.b. The script for <Snowdrop> was written by writer Yoo Hyun-mi and is the intellectual property of JTBC Studios and DRAMAHOUSE Studios. Intellectual rights to the translation belong to yours truly .

Scene 434F Attic Room
The camera pans out from a shot of that moon floating outside the window ... Young-ro dozes uneasily, curled up on Soo-ho’s bed in a foetal position without so much as a blanket. Soo-ho surreptitiously drapes his coat over Young-ro’s body as she shivers from the cold, sits down beside her, and gazes at her with mournful, adoring eyes. With a hand, he wipes away Young-ro’s tear tracks — as though she fell asleep after crying late into the night — and, at that light touch, Young-ro opens her eyes. At the sight of him before her, [she says,] “Soo-ho-ssi?” and rises in a flash but, as soon as she does, the room is empty. When she sees no trace of Soo-ho anywhere, Young-ro feels indescribably hollow and hollower still. From a shot of her desolate face ... (F. O)

All source materials belong to the parties to which they are licensed. All translations are our own.

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