TotNT Quotes – Kim Soo Oh

“I don’t know! I just like you, ajusshi.”


아저씨 외계인이에요?

“Are you an alien, ajusshi?”

우리 엄마도 매일매일 택배 아저씨 기다린데, 두 밤 자면 와요.

“My mom also waits for the delivery man every day. He comes after two sleeps.”

그럼 내가 친하게 지내줄까요?

“Then, should I be your friend?”


저 방금 좀 멋있었죠? 스파이더맨처럼 막 빨리 움직였고 챠—! 아저씨, 스파이더맨 좋아해요? 난 좋아하는데.

“I was kind of cool just now, wasn’t I? I moved all fast like Spiderman, and ‘whoosh’! Do you like Spiderman, ajusshi? I like him.”

안 돼요! 내 요술 안경!

“No! My magic glasses!”

싫은데 왜 이렇게 맛있는 초코빵 사줘요?

“If you don’t like me, why buy me this yummy chocolate bread?”


아저씨~!! 아저씨. 왜 나 모른 척해요? 계속 계속 기다리고 있어는데.

“Ajusshi~! Ajusshi, why are pretending like you don’t know me? Even though I kept waiting and waiting for you.”

제가, 장래희망에 대해서 고민을 해봤거든요. 6살 때는 트리케라톱스가 될려 그랬거든요. 그래서 또 7살 돼서 PC방 주인이 너무너무 멋있어 보이는 거예요. 그래서 또 8살 돼서- (…) 커서 아저씨처럼 될라구요. 잘생기고, 용감하고, 슈퍼파워—!

“I tried thinking about what I want to be in the future. When I was six, I was going to be a triceratops, you know. And then when I turned seven, [being] a PC-bang owner started looking so, so cool. And then when I turned eight- (…) When I grow up, I’m going to be like you, ajusshi. Good-looking, and brave, and superpowered*—!”

[*n.b. Soo Oh literally uses the English word ‘superpower’]


구미호 아저씨!

“Gumiho ajusshi!”

아저씨 어디 아파요?

“Is ajusshi hurt somewhere?”

저 아저씨도 구미호예요? (…) 아까 그 아저씨 동생이잖아요. 아까 그 아저씨, 구미호예요!

“Is that ajusshi a gumiho, too? (…) He’s the younger brother of that ajusshi just now, isn’t he? That ajusshi just now is a gumiho!”

새아빠가 엄마 때리면 엄마 아파요. 그래서 내가 맨날 이케이케 해줘요.

“When my stepdad hits mom, mom gets hurt. So every time I do this like this for her.”


내가 왜 검둥개예요?

“Why am I a geomdoonggae?”

[n.b. Geomdoonggae is what Rang named his puppy and literally means ‘black dog’]


스티커 줄까요? 진짜 멋있는 자동차도 있어요!

“Should I give you a sticker? I have a really cool car, too!”

아저씨. 또 구미호 형 찾으러 가요?

“Ajusshi, are you going out to look for Gumiho Hyung, again?”

차 조심해요~!

“Watch out for cars!”


몰라요! 그냥 아저씨가 좋아요.

“I don’t know! I just like you, ajusshi.”

아저씨 나 찾았어요? 왜 찾았는데요?

“Ajusshi, you were looking for me? Why were you looking for me?”

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