TotNT Quotes – Other Entities

“Oh former master of Baekdudaegan, what right have you to condemn us?”

Yeou Nui

살려줘. 나 변했어. 이제 사람을 해치지도 않고.

“Spare me. I’ve changed. I don’t even harm people anymore.”

~ EP01

나 사랑하는 사람이 생겼어. 사람으로 살고 싶어, 제발.

“I have someone I love now. I want to live as a person, please.”

~ EP01

너도 인간을 사랑한 적이 있잖아. 나 이해하지, 어?

“You loved a human once, too. You understand me, right?”

~ EP01

백두대간의 옛주인이여, 니가 무슨 권리로 우리를 단죄하느냐?

“Oh former master of Baekdudaegan, what right have you to condemn us?”

~ EP01

금기를 어기고 산신 자리에서 쫓겨난 구미호 주제에.

“That’s rich coming from a gumiho who broke sanction and was expelled from his position as a mountain god.”

~ EP01

신부가 되고 싶었어.

“I wanted to become a bride.”

~ EP01

마지막으로 부탁이 있어. 저 사람한테, 나에 대한 좋은 기억만 없애줘.

“I have a final request. Remove only that person’s good memories of me.”

~ EP01

The Mudang

배덕한 신. 부정한 자들의 왕. 이룡님이시옵니다.

“The Corrupt God. King of the Wicked. He is Lee Ryong-nim.”

~ EP03

계집애 몸 속에 들어가시기 전, 무녀인 저희 가문에 몸의 한 조각을 맡기셨지요.

“Before he entered the body of that slip of a girl, he entrusted a piece of his body to my family of shamans.”

~ EP03

국토를 다스리는 네 명의 산신 가운데 가장 무자비한 자. 감히 누구도 그의 숲을 함부로 수탈하지 못 하여, 백두대간은 부침 없이 풍요로웠다 하지요.

“The most merciless of the four mountain gods who rule the land. They say that since none would dare to rashly despoil his forest, Baekdudaegan was perpetually lush and fertile.”

~ EP03

니 어미도 너처럼, 제 발로 이 섬에 찾아들어왔지. 애를 배고서는, 매일 똑같은 꿈을 꿨다더라. 뱃속에 있던 니가, 니 어미를 꾄 것이야.

“Just like you, your mother found her way to this island with her own two feet. It seems that after conceiving a child, she dreamt the same dream every night. You lured your mother here from inside her womb.”

~ EP03

제물이 되거라. 넌 아주 특별한 아이란다.

“Become a sacrifice. They say you’re a very special child.”

~ EP03

니 놈은!! 어차피 나를 못 막아. 사방이 달맞이꽃이거든!

“You* can’t stop me in any case! There’s evening primrose all around!”

[*She refers to Yeon as ‘ni nom‘/’you nom,’ which is, of course, talking down to him and insulting besides.]

~ EP03

The Fortune Teller

둘은 붙어 다니지 마라. 둘 중에 하나, 목숨줄 끊어놓기 싫으면. ..애초에 만나지 말았어야 된 인연이다.

“You two, don’t go around together. Unless one of you wants to have their life cut short. ..From the start, you were never meant to have met.*”

[*Literally: (your) in’yeon is such that, from the start, you shouldn’t have met]

~ EP06

나는, 내가 나타나고 싶을 때만 나타나. 그때그때 땡기는 곳에.

“I only appear when I want to. Wherever it suits me at the time.”

~ EP06

규칙은 똑같아. 너한테 제일 귀한 물건이랑 바꾸는 거야.

“The principle is the same. You exchange him for the thing most precious to you.”

~ EP06

아주 특별한 사주를 안고 태어났구나! 물과 불이 호각을 다투고, 흙이 자옥하나, 금이 그것을 다스릴지니, 사방천지 암흑일지라도 너의 하늘엔 달이 뜬다…여우구슬을 갖고 있구나! 그것이 너의 달이니라.

“You were born with a very special saju, weren’t you! Water and fire vie on par, earth is clouded, but metal will subdue it, so though darkness should surround you,* a moon rises in your sky. ..You’re carrying the fox bead, aren’t you! For that is your moon.”

[*Literally: ‘all four directions, heaven and earth’]

~ EP06

구슬을 다오. 달이 없어도 니 사주는 충분히 차고 넘쳐.

“Give the fox bead unto me. Even without a moon your saju are sufficiently overflowing!”

~ EP06

오도전륜대왕. 흑암지옥을 다스리는 저승 10번째 왕이자 최후의 신판자가 바로 나다. 니들 내세도 내가 정하는 거야. 너, 자세 안 고치니?

“King Ohdojeollyun. I am none other than the Tenth King and final judge who rules over the Hell of Darkness. I’m the one who decides your paths in the next life. You. Are you not going to fix your posture?”

~ EP16

우리, 자선단체 아니야. 둘 다, 룰은 알지?

“We aren’t a charity group. You both know the rules, right?”

~ EP16

거래, 성립됐다.

“The deal has been made.”

~ EP16

The Magistrate

여우누이가 죽었다던데? 혼인을 앞두고 있던 그 아이를 죽인 게 옛 산신이라더라. (…) 가뜩이나 각박한 인간 세상 몸 들 곳 하나 없는 가련한 옛것들은 니가-

“I hear Yeou Nui died. They say the one who killed that child who was to be married was a former mountain god. (…) The pitiable creatures of eld already have a hard enough time living in the human world that has no place for them, and you-”

~ EP06

살생은 용납 못해.

“I won’t permit killing.”

~ EP06

인질이 필요할 만큼 나약하진 아니니까.

“Because I am not so weak as to require a hostage.”

~ EP06

여우에게 마음을 준 것이냐? 아니면, 그저 홀리는 것이냐?

“Have you given your heart to a fox? Or are you merely bewitched?”

~ EP06

재미있는 아이로구나. 과연 소문 대로야.

“What an amusing child you are. Indeed, you’re just as the rumours say.”

~ EP06

어리석구나 이연. 또 다시 사람한테 정을 주다니.

“How foolish you are, Lee Yeon. To think that you would once again become attached to a person.”

~ EP06

난 아이스를 먹지 않는다.

“I don’t drink iced [beverages].”

~ EP06

강정의 바삭함과 약과의 촉촉함을 두루 가진 양과자다.

“It’s a Western confection that has both the crispness of gangjeong and the moistness of yakgwa.”

~ EP06

최저임금이 오르기도 했고, 아 대출 꼈지만 집도 샀고. 전래동화 주인공 녀석들이 가끔 공황장애를 호소하는 것만 빼면 뭐, 괜찮다.

“The minimum wage has risen and, ah, though I had to take out a loan, I also bought a house. If you leave aside the fact that the protagonists of the traditional tales occasionally complain to me of panic disorders, I suppose I am well enough.”

~ EP06

3월...삼짇날인가? 그해 정초에 감색 양복을 입은 남자가 나를 찾아왔어. 삼짇날 사고가 날 거라고 했다. 여우고개에서.

“The third month...Samjinnal, was it? That year, in early January, a man wearing a navy suit sought me out. He said that an accident would occur on Samjinnal. At Fox Ridge.”

[n.b. Samjinnal is the third day of the third lunar month]

~ EP06

사람을 해치는 일에 끼어들지 않는다. 당연히 내 부하들도 빌려주지 않았고.

“I don’t take part in* harming humans. Naturally, I didn’t lend him any of my subordinates, either.”

[*Literally: ‘interfere in’]

~ EP06

여자, 곁에 두지 마라. 나를 찾아왔던 그 사내가 말하길, 소녀는...왕의 비늘. 소녀에게 왕이 깃들었다.

“The woman, don’t keep her by your side. From what that man who sought me out said, the girl...the King’s scales. The King dwells inside the girl.”

~ EP06


다들 말 못할 상처 하나쯤은 끌어안고 살잖아. 나야 늘 하던 대로 니 서방 트라우마 좀 헤집어놨을 뿐이고, 거기 갇혀서 못 돌아온 건, 그 놈 유리 멘탈을 탓해야지.

“Everyone lives carrying at least one wound they can’t speak of in their heart. I just dug up your husband’s trauma, like I always do. You should blame his being trapped there unable to return on his fragile mental state.”

~ EP08

난 있잖아. 너 같은 것들이 진짜 싫어. 유명 전래동화 주인공. 이놈이고 저놈이고 내 이름은 잘 기억도 못하는데 말이야.

“You know, I really hate things like you. The protagonists of famous folktales. When no one even really remembers my name.”

~ EP08

넌 세상에서 제일 무서운 게 뭐야?

“What do you fear most in the world?”

~ EP08

문지기 문지기 문 열어라, 열쇄 없어 못 열겠네~♪

Gatekeeper, gatekeeper, open the gate. I’ve no key and can’t open it~♪

~ EP08, EP09

여기, 두 개의 문이 있어. 한쪽은 동생, 한쪽은 여자친구한테 가는 길이야. 어느 쪽을 고를래?

“There are two doors here. One leads to your younger brother, the other to your girlfriend. Which one will you choose?”

~ EP08

지까짓 게 머리 팽팽 굴려봤자 살아서 못 나와. 마음이란 게 막상 까보면 지들 생각한 것보다 훨씬 허약하거든.

“No matter how the little chit wracks her brain she won’t make it out alive. The mind is something that, when actually cracked opened, is far more feeble than anyone thinks.”

~ EP09

산신 노릇까지 한 구미호도, 별 거 아니구나. 야, 죽지 마! 죽으면 재미없잖아.

“Even a gumiho who once acted as a mountain god isn’t much. Hey, don’t die! It’s no fun if you die.”

~ EP09

그래, 나갔다. 근데, 안 나가는 게 나을 뻔했어. 부모도 모자라 너까지 잃고, 아주 죽지 못해 사는 눈치던데?

“Fine. She got out. But it might have been better if she hadn’t. As if losing her parents wasn’t enough, she’s lost you, too; she looked to be barely hanging on.”

~ EP09

넌, 영원히 니가 만든 지옥 속에서 죽지 못해 살아갈 것이다.

“You’ll live forever in the hell you created, unable to die.”

~ EP09

사람을 사랑한 구미호야. 너는 또 니 손으로 그 여인을 참하게 될 것이다. 그것이, 너의 운며-

“Oh, gumiho who loved a person. You will once again end that woman’s life by your own hand. That is your fat-”

~ EP09

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