Full video available from Lee Dong Wook’s official VLIVE channel here.
The VLIVE proceeded in three main sections. 1) Recent Update Talk 2) VS Game (prepared for him by his promotional team), and 3) Tale of the Nine Tailed Q&A.
At the start, Lee Dong Wook wrote the following on a whiteboard because he was being asked them so much:
- Tale of the Nine Tailed Ep 13 & 14 will both be broadcast the following week (filming for the drama has wrapped)
- He really does like mint chocolate
- He has no intention of running his own SNS (social media)
- [In a later addition] He doesn’t know his MBTI type and isn’t interested in finding out
Q: Do you watch Tale of the Nine Tailed on live broadcast? [0:17:18~0:17:47]
I think I watched live...about half the time. I saw about half of the episodes live, and for the other half I couldn’t watch because we were filming, so I either watched them on re-watch [online] or when they re-broadcast them.
Since it wasn’t entirely pre-produced, we were still filming as it was being broadcast, so there were occasions when I couldn’t watch the broadcast live.
n.b. The reason people in Korea are concerned with the original live broadcast (bonbang) is because this is how the viewership ratings are measured.
Q: Are you close with Kim Beom-nim in reality? [0:30:45~0:31:03]
(Laughing) Yes, we are close in real life haha. That was a very cute question. We’re extremely close. We worked out together yesterday too. (Laughing) That was a cute question.
n.b. Lee Dong Wook and Kim Beom are represented by the same talent agency so they’re also label mates.
Q: Are you good with spicy foods? [0:31:05~0:32:59]
A: No, haha. Ah, there was that scene where I ate the chicken feet, right? But in that scene actually the chicken feet weren’t that spicy. So I did act like they were spicier than they were because that’s what it said in the script, but it actually was a bit spicy in reality as well. So I asked the person in charge of the props and was told that this was the mildest flavor. Even then, to my taste, it seemed a bit spicy. I can’t handle spicy foods well to begin with. [redacted] When I eat spicy stuff it’s really hard on me. I start to sweat and it stresses me out. I feel like, am I eating this food right now or fighting with it? So I also understand the feeling of not wanting to eat spicy things and, yes, that’s how I felt [when we filmed that scene].

First Corner: VS Game [0:37:40~1:08:30]
Then, now in earnest we’ll... (breaks down laughing at himself). Don’t I talk a lot? Right? I mean, every week they release a behind the scenes video, right? And in all of them it’s just me talking the whole time. Of course, I really sort of joked around a bit on set. Well, not a bit. I joked around a ton on set, with the staff and the with the other actors, I did have fun playing around a lot and I did that but...I mean I was just talking so much, all by myself [in the BTS]. It was to the extent that I thought, ‘Hey, what’s with this? Is that why I was so exhausted?’ (chuckles). Yes (chuckles more). I’m a chatterbox, a chatterbox, a chatterbox.
Well, in any case, we’ve now had free talk for about 40 minutes (chuckling at himself), so now we’ll start the first activity prepared for me by my promotional team in earnest.
[Looking to his staff] What might the first activity be? [Staff shoves a box full of folded slips of paper towards him silently]. (Breaks into laughter) [To the staff] Well what is this? [*silence*] (Bursts into a fit of laughter watching the staff) No, it’s not that, it’s just, will you die if you talk here? No, everyone, it’s fine if you talk. Everyone, promotional team... [To the viewers again] Right now there are five members of my promotional team in front of me, six including my manager, but they won’t say a single word (laughing), like people who will die if they speak. [To his staff] I just have to pick one? Ah, if I pick one I’ll naturally understand? Understood. Then I’ll, (more laughter). In that case, I’ll pi- (bursts into another fit of laugher). Understood. Then I’ll pick one. [Selects a paper] Okay! I picked one. They’re telling me that if I pick one I’ll naturally come to understand, so I picked one. [Holding the paper up] I see, it’s a VS game.Q: Who is the strongest whiner? [0:39:48~]
A. Sajang who is whining to give him the ggwari – VS – B. Yoo Ri who is whining to save Lee Rang-nim
(Laughing) [To his staff] Yah~ the question is really cute. Did you all prepare this? Oh, I see. This is cute.
[Re-reads the question] I think, in any case, for this one, I can’t help but think that Sajang who is whining to give him the ggwari is the strongest whiner. I mean, as a human being, if you’ve lived for hundreds of years isn’t it enough already? While torturing people, while eating the ggwari, do you really have to cling to life? I can’t help but think that... (trails off)⇒ A
Ah, and Eom Hyo Seob-sunbae who plays Sajang acted together with me in Life [2018], so when I met him again this time I was happy to see him. In Life he was the head of the Cancer Center, and I was a fellow in the Emergency Medical Center, so on set I used to call him ‘Mr. Cancer Center Chief’ (laughing). I would be like, ‘Mr. Cancer Center Chief, you’re here!’ like that. Well, in any case, there was that behind the scenes, a very slight, a very slight TMI.
n.b. Sa-jang-nim is actually just his job title meaning ‘head of a company’ while ‘Am-center-jang-nim’ means ‘Head of the Cancer Center.’ LDW was basically using his title from Life instead of his title in TotNT.
(Clears his throat) Okay then I’ll pick the next one. [Pulls another slip] I’ve picked it. [Spends a second debating where to place the box of questions]. I’ve picked one.
Q: Which scene was the most moving to Lee Yeon? [0:41:33~]
A. The scene where he saved Ji Ah after he returned in a near-death state from the Knife Mountain Hell – VS – B. The scene where he went to save Lee Rang who stood on death’s door in the Forest of the Starved
Yah, but for this one, isn’t the question framed wrong? In this case, these kids were the ones who were moved by me, weren’t they? (Laughs)
[Looking at his staff] No? Oh, talk! Please just talk! (Dies laughing) [Looks back at the viewers] For this, I would have to ask these two though? I’d have to ask these two, for this one, I think that rather than Lee Yeon being moved, these were scenes where these two were probably moved by Lee Yeon. But in any case, the ending to episode 4 here and the ending of episode [8] where I go to save Rang-ie, they’re both meaningful. They’re iconic scenes that you can’t miss in our drama, they’re precious scenes, so I like both of them.⇒ x
[Noting the heart count in the VLIVE app] [Reading the live chat] I’m not going to call them. Those two are both busy people who each have their own lives so for me to suddenly call them would be an irresponsible thing to do. For today’s VLIVE, please just be satisfied watching me. I’m not going to call Kim Beom-ssi or Jo Bo Ah-ssi.Then, moving on to the next question...
Q: If you had to have one as a morning desert, would you choose: [0:43:28~]
A. Meal worms that taste like mint chocolate ice cream – VS – B. Mint chocolate ice cream that tastes like meal worms
If you had to have one as a morning desert, would you choose: ‘meal worms that taste like mint chocolate ice cream’ ‘aish~ (laughing). [Knocks over the white board and fixes it] Okay, ‘mint chocolate flavored meal worms’ or, ‘meal worm flavored mint chocolate ice cream’? (chuckling – 3rd gif).
[To his staff] Who’s ever tried eating meal worms? What do they even taste like, meal worms?Ah what’s with this~ How am I supposed to choose one of these? (Ponders the question for a bit) So I’ll choose B. Meal worm-flavored mint chocolate ice cream. (Sighs) Don’t you think it would at least be better to be eating ice cream? Rather than eating insects that taste like mint chocolate, I’ll eat ice cream. (Shaking his head) Ah~ that’s hard.
⇒ B
[Reading the live chat] Oh, it tastes nutty? Eh? You tried eating it? You’re saying you tried eating meal worms when you were seven? Who would try eating meal worms? There’s a lot of interesting people...[Selecting another paper] Okay, next.
Q: If you had to dispose of one of your abilities which would you choose? [0:45:25~]
A. The ability to control nature – VS – B. The teleportation ability to move anywhere in an instant
Wah~ You can’t miss out on either of them though? Ah~ There’s nothing more appealing than the ability to teleport. Everyone, please think about it. How much time each day do we loose on the road? On our way to school, on our way to work, getting off work, going to cram school. If you save that time, you can get that much more sleep, right? That’s a really big [merit]. And think about it. When coronavirus ends and you can travel abroad again. Then you can use teleportation to go abroad instantly. You don’t have to spend like 14 hours on a plane.
The ability to control nature, how cool is this? This is really something that not just anybody can do. (Sighs while pondering the question again) Even so, if I had to give up one of them...I would give up my ability to teleport. I would use my ability to control nature and like...make it rain when there’s a drought, or make the rain stop when it rains too much, make the wind blow where there’s need of wind, that’s how I’d like to use my power. That’s what I’d do, yes.
⇒ B
[Talking to his staff] Oh~ you guys really did a good job coming up with difficult and weird questions. Really, the promotional team’s performance right now is really beyond my expectations. [Looking at a member of his staff] (chuckles) You really don’t ever smile, do you? (Laughing) Okay, continuing on, then...Mission: “Don’t fly away. Your puppy will cry.” [0:47:15~]
‘Don’t fly away, your puppy will cry.’ [Looks to his staff] What’s this? You’re telling me to do this? (Looks at the paper for a while) You’re telling me to do this? Ah, this one’s a mission? So there’s not just VS questions, huh?
[To the viewers] Today, before doing the VLIVE, they told me about this corner and asked if I wanted to see the game ahead of time, and I said ‘I won’t. It’ll be more fun if I’m seeing it for the first time,’ but now I’m wishing I’d looked at it in advance. (Looks at the paper and sighs) [To his staff] I have to do this like in the drama, don’t I? Is that right? (Laughs hollowly and puts his head down on the table) Ah~ I’m going crazy, seriously... (Puts his hands up to his face like in the drama but then can’t handle it and puts his head down on the desk again) ‘Aish~ [Softly to his staff] Everyone get out. Everyone go out. I want to be by myself.“Don’t fly away, your puppy will cry~” (Performs the line but then can’t take his hands away from his face in embarrassment. Takes a long moment to collect himself)
(Sits up with his eyes closed) [Staff start clapping] Everyone get out. Leave before I open my eyes. I want to be by myself. If I open my eyes I think I’ll be really embarrassed so leave. (Waits a minute before opening his eyes, sighs, and then turns and calls to his staff). Team Manager, is there any soju? (chuckles) Okay, I understand.
[To the viewers] Ah, the promotional team really went and prepared a lot of things that I didn’t even imagine. Thanks a lot [said very formally but also without any sincerity whatsoever lol].Q: If you were to be born again as a human, would you prefer to be: [0:49:25~]
A. A rich unemployed person – VS – B. A civil servant guaranteed employment until retirement
Of course it’s unconditionally A, right! There’s no need to even think this one over. Ah! (covers his mouth) Actually there are a lot of students watching right now. Everyone, you still need to study hard. We can’t be unemployed, right?
But I’m going with a rich unemployed person. OK.
⇒ A
Okay, next. [To his staff] I have to do all of these, right? (Answering his own question) Well, because I have to pay respect to the work you put into preparing them...hmmm [To his staff] Team Manager, that soju, can you put it into a water bottle and just... (laughs) Ah, it’s hot~
(Opens the next slip of paper and yells in chagrin) Ah, this!
Q: A never-ending battle? [0:50:12~]
A. Amazing Saturday – VS – B. Yoo Quiz
[Note: This question requires context so bear with me or skip to the next one. ;)As part of the promotional rounds for TotNT, Lee Dong Wook, Jo Bo Ah, and Kim Beom appeared on Ep.128 of the quiz show, Amazing Saturday (놀라운 토요일). There, they made a bet with the regular cast surrounding one of the quiz answers where whoever lost the bet would have to give a shout out to the other program (so if the TotNT cast won, the Amazing Saturday cast would have to promote the drama on their other variety shows, and if the AS cast won, the TotNT cast would have to reference AS in TotNT). They lost, and Lee Dong Wook promised he would reference AS at some point in an adlib. [Available here from about 5:50~]
LDW upheld his promise in EP05 when Yeon and Ji Ah go drinking and they compare the things they like. When LDW threw out the question he asked, ‘Yoo Quiz (another program that a close friend of his appears on) or Amazing Saturday?’ So then he felt apologetic towards Yoo Quiz and ended up sending them a coffee truck when Gong Yoo (Goblin, 2016) appeared as a guest on the program about a week or so before this VLIVE took place...so even though he’d finally managed to sort everything out, his staff are basically inciting him by asking him to choose again lol] [Takes a moment before addressing the viewers] Just when I had finally finished all my reparations... (Nodding to himself) Just when I had finished all my reparations another wave is going to happen. (Looks at the paper for a long time) I’d like to appear on both programs sometime. If Amazing Saturday would invite me again, and Yoo Quiz please invite me sometime. I’ll just leave it at that. (Sighs) It’s hard, it’s hard.
⇒ x
[Takes a moment to drink some water and reiterate the things he wrote on his white board] [Reading the live chat] Ah, it’s water, it’s water! It’s not soju, it’s not soju. This has been here since earlier. Everyone don’t misunderstand, that’ll be a big problem. There’s no way I’d do a live broadcast while drinking alcohol. Bad things would happen. No, please don’t misunderstand. [Reading the live chat] It’s water, it’s water, yes. Please don’t misunderstand. [Gives a shout out to the overseas fans and thanks them for the coffee trucks and gifts] [Reading the live chat] My alcohol tolerance? My alcohol tolerance differs from day to day, but I never drink so much that I’m completely drunk or lose control of myself. I only ever drink enough that I’m still in good possession of myself and able and get home safely.Then, continuing on. There are... (counts them) six left. There are six left, so I’ll continue... [Suddenly thinks of something and looks to his staff] Are there more missions in here? You’re not going to tell me, are you? In any case. Alright. (To himself) How can I avoid picking those? Well, I have to do them all anyway...
(Opens the next one, reads it, and chuckles) [To his staff] You guys are crazy, seriously...
Q: If they were both drowning, who would you save first? [0:53:24~]
A. Ji Ah – VS – B. Shin Joo
If they fell in the water, if they fell in the water... Ah~ So this is how Shin Joo felt yesterday, this is how he felt. Yah~ ‘If they were both drowning, who would you save first, Ji Ah or Shin Joo?’ Ah~ I understand our actor Hwang Hee’s feelings. I understand Shin Joo’s feelings (sighs, then remembers something and chuckles).
n.b. This question is a reference to an exchange on Instagram. In preparation for an interview with Esquire, Hwang Hee posted on his Instagram inviting people to ask him TotNT-related questions. So Lee Dong Wook (who doesn’t run his own Instagram and isn’t on social media) texted a bunch of questions to Kim Beom and Jo Bo Ah to ask in his place. One question that he had Jo Bo Ah ask was, ‘If Lee Yeon and Yoo Ri were both drowning, who would you save?’ to which Hwang Hee responded, ‘That water, I will drink it all.’ lol
[Looking directly at the camera] ‘That water, I will drink it all.’ (breaks into laughter) I’ll drink all of the water...Even if my water consumption goes badly I’ll do my best to save both of them. [Reading the live chat] Ah, that’s right! I’m a mountain god so I can just make the wind blow like this and just part the water, I just need to do that. Why didn’t I think of that? As expected, the fans who are posting comments here are much smarter than me. Thank you.That’s right. I was a mountain god. But I completely forgot that...
⇒ x
I’m not a really fast swimmer or anything but I’m still decent and I like playing in the water. I mentioned Life briefly earlier as well, but while shooting Life, free... (catches sight of something and starts laughing)
[Holds up a slip of paper with the words ‘Are you angry?’ written on it – lol] I’ve just received this message from my promotional team. No, not at all, what are you saying? I’m not mad. I’m not mad, and we can talk about more detailed things after the broadcast is over. [Turns back to the viewers] When I was shooting Life, I learned free diving. I’d dive into about 10m deep water, so I don’t have any big rejection (fear) of water. But the ocean is different. Because the ocean has waves and undertow, you really need to be careful. [Reading the live chat] I can’t do the butterfly stroke. The butterfly stroke is diffic- [Catches sight of the next prompt card and stops speaking mid-sentence. Drops the paper, sits back, and sighs lol](Holding the paper up reluctantly for the viewers to see)
Mission: “Part this darkness and lead me to that woman!” [0:55:32~]
(Long sigh)
[To his staff] How did you manage to pick all the most...these sort of lines, everyone?(Reads the line out and laughs) You really went and picked just these kinds of lines one after another...I’ll do it standing, I’ll do it standing. Since I’m doing it anyway, I’ll do it standing.
(Spreads his arms wide and delivers the line like in the drama, then slowly sinks to the floor and makes like he’s going to crawl under the desk)
(Returns to his seat as one staff member starts clapping) [Looking at the person] Don’t clap. That’s more cheeky, don’t clap. Yah, if you’re going to clap you should all have clapped, what’s with just one person clapping? (laughs) Agh~
Even so, since today the broadcast was cancelled, even if I’m a bit...embarrassed or whatever, if you can enjoy yourselves, I’m satisfied with that. Yes. (Sighs again) This is definitely going around the internet as gifs, isn’t it? [Lol it definitely did] Yes, well, but in service of alleviating your disappointment at the broadcast being cancelled, I can handle this much. (Nods to himself) Okay, then continuing on...
Q: If you had to wear the same outfit and hairstyle for the rest of your life, would you choose: [0:58:02~]
A. The clothing of a mountain god + dark hair styled with pomade – VS – B. A suit + red and silver long hair
(Already laughing as he reads the question – gifs 1&2). Hey, this is essentially that right? Either the clothes are the mountain god clothes and the hair is dark and combed back with pomade in a modern style, or wear a suit with the mountain god hair, right?
[Directing the question to the live chat] Everyone please choose. Which do you think would suit me? What do you think would suit me, everyone please choose for me. Please send me your choice via the chat. I’ll choose whatever you choose.Ah, this is really, the balance on this is really no joke. Wah~ This is really hard. Wah~ I mean, wearing a suit with that mountain god hair (breaks down laughing) Ah, how could you live your life like that? (more laughter) Ah, okay, I know. I know that this isn’t for real. And I know that there’s no way it could happen, too. But why do I end up taking it so seriously? Because I can’t help but keep picturing it (laughs).
[Checks the live chat] Oh? There are a ton of B’s? There are way more B’s than A’s? I see. I understand. In that case, if it ever became like this, if I could only wear one outfit and have one hairstyle for the rest of my life, I would have the suit and the mountain god (breaks into laughter before finishing his sentence) I’ll have the mountain god hair. Yah~ this one...the balance was good. Ah~ of all the questions in this VS game so far I think maybe the balance on this was the best.⇒ B
Okay, then continuing on...Everyone, there are still 3 questions left. I have to do three more questions.
[Takes a water break]Then I will continue with the game.
Q: Which term of affection would you prefer to hear from Ji Ah? [1:00:55~]
A. OPPA – VS – B. My puppy
‘What term of affection would you want to hear from Ji Ah? O-P-P-A, VS, my puppy.’ [He literally spells out the word in English here instead of just saying oppa lol]
Hm~ Hm~ [Takes a break to check the chat and reiterates that he’s drinking water and not soju] Please stop chatting that it’s soju. I’m going to get in trouble with Naver. That’d be bad, really bad. It’s water, don’t misunderstand.
[Returning to the prompt] ‘What term of affection would you want to hear from Ji Ah? O-P-P-A, VS, my puppy.’ Within the drama, Ji Ah has never once called me oppa, right? From the very beginning, she just uses banmal (chuckles) And from the very beginning she says ‘I waited for you (neo)’, right? (n.b. ‘neo’ can be rude, or at the very least isn’t polite). So I think if she called me oppa it would be really awkward. I think, I just want Ji Ah to dote on me. So I’ll pick ‘my puppy.’ Because foxes are canines too.⇒ B
Q: What makes you more angry? [1:02:15~]
A. When Imoogi fixates on Ji Ah – VS – B. When Sajang tries to drive a wedge between you and Lee Rang
Ah, okay, things that make Lee Yeon angry, right? ‘What makes Lee Yeon more angry?’ (Reads out the options) Ah~ This one is a bit...the balance doesn’t crumble in this situation. This one is definitely A.
To be honest, when Sajang tries to drive a wedge between the brothers, because I’m perfectly capable of resolving that myself, and I actually did resolve it in the drama, so that’s not a big problem. Also, I think that Lee Rang isn’t the type to fall for that either...
But when Imoogi fixates on Ji Ah, at those times, yes, a bit – well, not a bit – I get very angry.
That’s why, there’s that [scene] in the drama right? Where we’re fighting on the rooftop, and Imoogi says something about Ji Ah so I get angry and say ‘this XX,’ like that. And when he’s got ahold of Ji Ah’s shoulder, I show up and say I’ll break his wrist and such...yes.
⇒ A
[Reading the live chat] ‘When this is over is the promotional team going to be okay?’ Of course! They’re safe. It’s been amusing for me too. Only one question is left. [Reading the live chat] ‘Are you close with Lee Tae Ri-nim?’ Yes, we’re close. All of us actors in Tale of the Nine Tailed are close and doing well. [Reading the live chat] ‘If you mess with Ji Ah, Lee Yeon won’t stand for it, right?’ That’s right. [Reading the live chat] ‘Long time no see, Lee Yeon’ (quoting Imoogi). Yeah, long time no see~ [redacted] [Reading from the live chat] ‘I pray that at least one of those is a normal mission’ (laughs) [To his staff] Yah, look at that. Even the fans are telling you they hope it’s a normal mission. Okay, the last mission. [Holds up the empty box and reads off the title] ‘Do You Really Want to See It, Lee Dong Wook’s VLIVE?’, the last mission. Ah! I said mission, but. The last, I’ll now attempt to pick the last VS. It might not be a mission. Okay, what’ll it be? Ta-da! Ah~ it wasn’t a mission.Q: If you had to experience hell one more time, which would you choose? [1:06:27~]
A. The Knife Mountain Hell full of knives – VS – B. The Forest of the Starved full of agwi?
(Blows out a long breath and contemplates the question for a while) This is hard. Why is this hard, you ask? I had a really really hard time filming both sequences. I went through a lot filming both, and the memories of those times keep flashing across my mind...Even so, I... [Reading the live chat] ‘This question stresses me out.’ ‘I hate both.’ ‘There’s no end to the Forest of the Starved even if you die, right?’ ‘I really hate the Forest of the Starved.’ You’re right.
[Reading the live chat] ‘The knives hurt don’t they?’ That’s right. [Reading the live chat] ‘Wah~ Isn’t this too cruel?’ [To his staff] Everyone, isn’t this too cruel, they say... It’s not?Okay, If I had to experience one again...I will not go to hell. I won’t choose~
⇒ x
Okay, with this, I played the VS game, and the occasional missions hidden in between, that my promotional team put a lot of effort into preparing for us. This was fun. [To his team] You did a really good job choosing the questions (nodding). Thank you all. Thanks (claps).
n.b. Original VS Game transcription published on tumblr here.
Q: Are there any ad lib lines that come to mind? [1:17:30~1:18:30]
Everyone, to be perfectly honest, I did so many ad libs I don’t even remember them all. I think I made an ad lib in nearly...at least once in every two scenes? Was it more than that? But thankfully the director and writer gave me a lot of opportunities to do as I pleased. Most likely if you were watching and found yourself thinking, ‘oh, that seems like an ad lib?’ those were all ad libs. And there were actually many more than that even. Yes. I did so many I can’t remember.
Q: What line left the deepest impression on you? [1:18:36~1:19:35]
This is also...for our drama, the writer really did a wonderful job writing the dialogue and there are many iconic lines, right? So to be honest it’s difficult to just pick one...yes. But, in any case, it would probably have to be that line, wouldn’t it? The ending of episodes 1, 4 and 9. Ji Ah’s line, ‘I waited for you.’ And then again at the end of episode 4, my line, ‘I also waited for you.’ And then at the end of episode 9 Ji Ah says, ‘I waited for you’ with a different meaning. The mirroring of the lines in these ending scenes, I believe it will have stayed with you, and it stayed with me too.
[Reading the live chat] Yes, ‘I have never once missed my target.’ Yes, that line was also really good. It was a line that helped to wake something in Rang-ie’s heart, so...Q: When you ate the chicken porridge, was it actually hot? [1:19:46~]
A: (Laughing) Ah, the question is really cute. That was an ad lib. It wasn’t in the script. Originally, I was just supposed to blow on it and eat it but I wanted to make it a bit funnier, and also to show just how much Shin Joo has done to take care of Yeon in a concrete way. So yes, I made an ad lib that it was really hot. It’s something that wasn’t in the script.
Q: Was it hard acting before the CG effects were added in? [1:20:39~1:23:19]
Ah, is that so? That was also released as a clip, as a video [available here]. They compared the CG before and after...It’s not easy. Yes. Especially in cases like the Knife Mountain Hell and the Snow Mountain Hell, when you film in front of a blue screen, you need to make a lot of calculations. And, you sort of...need to be aware of the details. Right now, what cut you’re filming, what cut will come after that cut, and...for that, seeing as how everything around you is blue, you tend to lose your sense of direction a bit? You also have to take that into account. So, actually to film all the Knife Mountain Hell and the Snow Mountain Hell scenes, added together, I spent three days and two nights in front of a blue screen...so it was a bit hard. After being in front of nothing but a blue screen for nearly three days straight...I started to lose my sense of time and space. Where I am now, which direction I’m going in, whether where I’m currently standing is facing forward or backward, even what time it is currently, or how much time has passed, these sort of...the most basic senses that are part of being human, become duller and duller. That was somewhat hard. But thanks to our director, our CG director, and our stunt director helping me a lot, and the same goes for our film crew, yes, so, that was how we filmed.
Ah, and, when filming in front of a blue screen, especially in cases like the Knife Mountain Hell, there are knives flying at me right? So I get asked a lot if that isn’t embarrassing, but to be honest when I’m filming I don’t have the space to even be concerned with those sorts of things. It’s not as if, like, because I moved in such a way I feel humiliated or because I did this I feel embarrassed. I don’t even have the space to be concerned with those things. I just think about the fact that the CG team, the stunt team, the camera team, and me, I have to act well so that these four teams can work well in concert...yes. Because to the extent that my acting comes across as realistic, it should be better once the CG is added. Because it will be easier for the people filming [that way], so I always film while keeping those things in mind.
Q: A behind the scenes story from the pollack soup scene? [1:24:49~]
A: Pollack soup behind the scenes story...? Ah! From when I made pollack soup for Ji Ah? It was all ad lib. Well, at the very beginning, I was making it and then Shin Joo came along to help me, starting from there, when I had Shin Joo taste it and said, ‘Hey I put sugar in it,’ like that. That pollack soup sequence, yes...Aside from our lines when Ji Ah comes at the end and we eat together it was all ad lib.
Ah! And, there was pollack in my hair too, right? It seems like people are really curious about that, but that was also just something that I came up with. Because, well, Yeon can’t cook, so it seemed to me that he would have made a huge mess while making it. So, like, in the same way that when a puppy plays in grass it gets covered in it, it seemed like Yeon would have pollack here and there all over. So I asked the person who is in charge of hair styling and they stuck it in my hair for me like that.
Q: Do the colors of your thread rings have to do with the drama’s plot? [1:26:42~1:27:00] [Big pause] Hm~ ......the color doesn’t.
Q: Between Lee Rang and Imoogi, who did you have the best synergy with for the action sequences? [1:27:26~1:28:11]
For me, it was easiest when I worked with the stunt team (laughs). When I do action sequences with other actors...I’m uneasy. Well, the other party might also be uneasy but I am also uneasy, because if we happen to strike each other for real, we’ll get hurt. So I always film with a very cautious mindset, but when I do action sequences with the stunt team, in any case, because they are professionals, even if I get the motions slightly wrong or I step forward too much, they are able to adjust to match me. So my heart is most at ease when I do action sequences with the stunt team. Because they are able to respond to me well.
Q: Do you get startled for real when Taluipa screams at you while you’re acting? [1:28:46~1:28:59]
No. In reality it doesn’t startle me that much. Jeong Nan-Noona (Actress Kim Jeong Nan) is also very close with me. We’ve been in a number of productions together, so we enjoyed ourselves.
Q: Was blowing a kiss at Taluipa an ad lib? [1:29:00~]
A: Yes, that was an ad lib. *blows a kiss*
Q: A behind the scenes story from the promotional teasers with Jo Bo Ah? [1:29:17~1:30:02]
Ah~ this is a bit of a departure from talking about the drama itself. I was just talking with Ji Ah, with Bo Ah-ssi, and we ended up talking about how it might be if we tried filming something funny just by ourselves to release before the broadcast...and so, I was the one who provided the idea, at the beginning. If you look, it’s written there, right? Planning: Jo Bo Ah, Directing: Lee Dong Wook hehe. Yes, we just made them like that. At the very beginning, Jo Bo Ah-ssi was the one who proposed making them, so the planning is Jo Bo Ah, and then I was the one who supplied ideas of ‘let’s do this like this,’ so the directing is Lee Dong Wook. Yes.
n.b. If you haven’t seen these, they’re great. There are three of them that were shared to both Lee Dong Wook (@leedongwook_official) and Jo Bo Ah’s (@xxadoraa) Instagram feeds ahead of EP03, EP05, and EP07.
Q: Who had the most NG (no good) takes while filming? [1:30:59~1:31:14]
I have the most NGs. I think in any case, I have the most...I joke around a lot, and I make a lot of ad libs, and I also had a lot of scenes, so I had the most NGs.
Q: Re: Lee Yeon’s Hair [1:33:38~1:34:34]
Yes, I like it. Ah, this could actually be a bit of a ‘behind the scenes.’ It was actually my idea to make Lee Yeon’s hair red-brown. It wasn’t the original character setting. I thought that, since he’s a Korean red fox, how would it be to make his hair a bit closer to that color, and also that it would be nice to give him a bit more of an otherworldly image. So I consulted with the director of our salon and the salon director said that that would be good. So I ended up with red-brown hair, and it just worked naturally that the (mountain god) wig be a mixture of red-brown and silver. Ah that isn’t white hair, it’s actually silver. It’s much closer to silver hair, not white hair. So that’s how I came to have a combination of red and silver long hair. Yes.
Q: What was your reaction when you first met the agwi while filming the Forest of the Starved sequence? [1:36:27~1:37:50]
That, rather than thinking they were scary, I mostly kept thinking about what a hard time they must be having. The Forest of the Starved sequence, adding together every time the Forest of the Starved shows up from beginning to end, we filmed for nearly a week straight. Six days? For about six days to a week. For most of them, they are actually members of our stunt team in stage makeup. There were also many people who appeared just in those roles, but those folks all had a really hard time. That makeup takes a long time to put on and a long time to take off, and seeing as it’s all special effects makeup it’s hard on your skin in a number of ways, and because it was summer it was really hot and humid, and because we were in the forest it was just...well, in any case there were truly a lot of error conditions, so while me and Kim Beom-ssi also had a hard time, in truth it was those people who had it the hardest. Those who played the agwi really worked very hard. Thank you very much to those people. For me and Kim Beom-ssi, at least our clothes and shoes were, at least we were dressed comfortably while we filmed, but those people had to wear torn hanbok and straw shoes while running, so in truth those people are the stars of the Forest of the Starved. They really worked the hardest of all of us.
n.b. ‘those people’ sounds dismissive in English but LDW is using the respective term ‘bun’ so he’s actually being quite deferential here.
n.b. Kim Beom has said elsewhere that he filmed this sequence for 3 weeks so either LDW is just talking about his own scenes or possibly Kim Beom just remembered it as being longer than it was haha
Q: When you were getting ready to go to Ji Ah’s house and you undid one of the buttons on the red suit, was that an ad lib or in the script? [1:38:03~]
A: It’s an ad lib, an ad lib (laughing). It didn’t even specify that the clothes be red, only that they be unsuitable for greeting your in-laws, but I wanted to make it a bit funny so I intentionally chose rather flashy clothes.
Q: Was the comment about thinking the mint chocolate ice cream was recycling an ad lib? [1:38:31~]
A: Yes, of course it was an ad lib. Actually we shot a lot of different versions of that. Ah, that’s right, it was released, right? There’s a behind the scenes photo of me hugging the ice cream tightly and smiling. There was also that version. But, when the director did the editing, I guess he ended up picking this version? I also laughed a lot when I watched the broadcast. I was like, ‘Wait, you mean you actually used that?” (laughing) So, yes. “You said you picked it up so I thought it was recycling,” I made an ad lib like that.
Q: When you played baduk with Lee Rang, did you know what you were doing or were you just placing pieces at random? [1:39:34~1:40:07]
For that, I knew what I was doing. For that baduk game, someone who knows [how to play], if they see that board just once they will know. We used a high caliber game by extremely famous baduk players and transferred the placement of the pieces exactly, and then Rang-ie and I took turns placing piece by piece like this, right? For that, we each, Rang-ie and I each memorized our moves, so we were playing an actual game of baduk. The reason being that, these sort of things are the details, and for those, well, you shouldn’t lie, right?
Q: Are there any details you payed attention to when you were acting as Lee Rang transformed (into Lee Yeon)? [1:44:27~1:45:47]
For episode 11... for episode 11, at that time, conversely, I didn’t pay much attention to it. At that time, the reason being, fooling the viewers was a critical part of that sequence, of that episode, so conversely, if I had acted like Lee Rang, and Lee Rang had acted like me, like Lee Yeon, doing it like that seemed like it would have been too obvious, so we just, to the greatest extent possible, we each respectively acted Lee Yeon as had been, and Lee Rang as had been.
But then, when Lee Rang transforms into Lee Yeon and goes to see Taluipa, at that time I tried more to act like Lee Rang. In fact, before we started filming, I asked Rang-ie, I asked Beom-ssi to read through the lines once. I asked him, ‘If it was you, how do you think you would do this?’ So Beom-ssi read it for me and I matched that. So this was another place that I manipulated the details while I was acting. When I (Rang) went to see Taluipa, when he was transformed, there was originally another version where I (Rang) looked around even more and was even more awkward. But rather than that, that was too blatantly obvious, so it was broadcast with the more toned-down version.
Q: Did you really have a video call with Ji Ah? [1:46:18~1:46:36]
No, we each shot our scenes on different days. I shot mine first, and then Ji Ah-ssi, Bo Ah-ssi, shot hers about two or three days later. We each shot separately on different days.
Q: A behind the scenes story from the sound booth recording? [1:48:07~1:48:47]
The sound booth recording is just the sound booth recording (laughs). Ah, that, the sound booth recording for the hell scene? Ah, that was exhausting. For that, honestly if it wasn’t for the ‘making’ (behind the scenes video) you probably wouldn’t have known about it. To that extent, I poured as much energy into it as when I had originally acted it out all over again as I was recording it, so I really ended up feeling like I’d gone to that hell and back twice. Which is what I said in the ‘making’ ...And that was caught on video by our miss Bo Ah, and that ended up being released as part of the behind the scenes.
n.b. The sound booth BTS can be found here (2:09~3:01).
Q: Which of the mountain god outfits do you like the most? [1:50:47~1:51:11]
That...when I went to save young Rang-ie, the outfit I wore the first time I appeared, the black one, yes. In the Forest of the Starved, when I went to save young Rang-ie, the mountain god clothing I wore when we first met, I personally really liked it.
Q: Re: The mountain god hair [1:51:30~1:52:17]
It was uncomfortable. It...dragged a lot, and sort of...yes. It gives you a headache. Once you’ve had it affixed for about 6 hours, your scalp gets tighter and tighter, and it hurts your head. So the wig, it also takes a long time to put on and take off. To be honest, the mountain god scenes, to everyone watching they may be very beautiful...but they were quite tiring. That goes for the wig, but also for the hanbok. It’s very uncomfortable to move about in and restrictive in a number of ways. Especially, seeing as how I always got a headache, it was a bit hard.
Q: ‘The number doesn’t exist, punk’ was that an ad lib? [1:52:49~]
Yes, it’s an ad lib. The first time Rang called me, I was eating ice cream when he called, right? ‘The number you have called does not exist, you punk’ this was an ad lib.
Q: Does Lee Yeon know that he’s cute? [1:55:06~1:55:09]
Of course.
Q: In the forest of the starved, was petting Rang’s head an ad lib? [1:57:32~]
A: Ah, you mean when we crossed the cliff? Yes, that was an ad lib.
Q: What was the first scene you shot? [2:02:18~2:02:46]
My first scene was...the scene where Soo Oh and I meet at the park and talk. That was the first scene that I shot. When the little girl lost her balloon and I caught it and returned it to her. Soo Oh said, ‘Ajusshi, are you an alien?’ and I said, ‘No, a gumiho.’ That scene was the first scene of Tale of the Nine Tailed that was shot and it was my first scene that I shot.
Q: Did you have a time when you swooned while acting with Jo Bo Ah-nim? [2:03:14~2:03:20]
Of course. Whenever I act out those sorts of emotions I always do.
Q: Was re-doing the compatibility score between Yeon and Ji Ah an ad lib? [2:04:47~]
Yes, to my recollection, my saying that I was going to do it again was an ad lib.
All source materials belong to the parties to which they are licensed. All translations are our own.