Letters of the Realme
The chart of letters and numbers, as well as the contents of the 3 letter billets that appear on Shirleigh’s board in the new hideaway, rendered in English.
An Outsiders' Inside Guide
The chart of letters and numbers, as well as the contents of the 3 letter billets that appear on Shirleigh’s board in the new hideaway, rendered in English.
The Valisthean text that appears in The Art of Final Fantasy XVI, rendered in English.
The text of the list various denizens of the hideaway can be seen holding, rendered in English. Another little easter egg for fans of the series.
The Valisthean text on Mid’s schematics for the Enterprise as seen in CH35 of FFXVI, rendered in English.
The content of Cid’s letter to Mid, as seen on his desk in CH8 and CH21 of FFXVI, rendered in English.