Snowdrop – DS : EP16 Scene 87
Obviously, this scene wasn’t deleted — but it was pared down (and oft-mentioned in the Blu-ray bonus content) ㅠ ㅠ
An Outsiders' Inside Guide
Snowdrop (JTBC/Disney+) 2021-2022
Obviously, this scene wasn’t deleted — but it was pared down (and oft-mentioned in the Blu-ray bonus content) ㅠ ㅠ
Here it is, the Guitar Scene that D+ posted a thumbnail for, disappointing viewers everywhere when the scene never appeared in the episode. How I wish..
Originally, the scene at the top of EP14 in which Soo-ho confronts Gang-mu about trying to pull a double-cross was longer and included an expanded version of the EP14 bonus scene (the FB to Warsaw). And there’s a twist..
These scenes weren’t deleted, but some of the dialogue was dropped and the blocking changed in places.
This is technically a pared down scene, as the first part does appear in the episode, but the latter half ended up being cut.
There was a long-running fan theory that Seol-hee isn’t actually the chaebol she appears to be — and it proved true, though the scene confirming it was cut. These scenes also show Young-ro reconciling with at least one of her roommates, so it’s unfortunate there wasn’t enough runtime to include them.
This is yet another scene they shot several takes of (as evidenced by an alternate version of the above photo) but ultimately ended up cutting ㅠ ㅠ
I get that, with everything going on, this pair of scenes may have slowed down the episode’s pacing, but they create a nice parallel between Young-ro and Soo-ho — as though, even apart, their hearts are in sync.
These scenes themselves weren’t cut, but a few lines of dialogue clarifying Soo-hee’s fate were left out..
While this scene does appear in the drama, only one line by Soo-ho made the final cut. Some things stayed (the handhold) while others were added (a FB) or dropped (a hug), making this is a fun scene to compare between script and screen.