Tale of the Nine Tailed – Lee Dong Wook VLIVE 2020.12.23 TotNT Talk
‘Lee Dong Wook’s Early Christmas VLIVE.’ In which Lee Dong Wook talks about the series finale, deleted scenes, behind the scenes, and what TotNT means to him.
An Outsiders' Inside Guide
‘Lee Dong Wook’s Early Christmas VLIVE.’ In which Lee Dong Wook talks about the series finale, deleted scenes, behind the scenes, and what TotNT means to him.
“I have glimpsed the secrets of the world.”
나는 세상의 비밀을 엿본 적이 있다.
A roundup of TotNT’s most iconic lines. Contains spoilers.
“Do you really want to see it? The world I live in.”
진짜 보고 싶어? 내가 사는 세상.
(contains spoilers)
“I’m going to hell, without fail. Together with Lee Yeon.”
난 지옥 갈 거야, 꼭. 이연이랑 같이.
(contains spoilers)
“Do you think my all-seeing eye is your dashcam?!”
내 천리안이 니 블랙박스인 줄 아냐!
(contains spoilers)
“Bear in mind: all contracts are a matter of parity.”
명심해라. 모든 계약은 등가다.
(contains spoilers)